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This concept has been deprecated.

deprecated concept > sustainable forest management

Preferred term

sustainable forest management  


  • [Retno Kuswandari] Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is a vague and complex concept. There is no yardstick to clearly\ \ measure it. Forest certification is an instrument used to measure SFM considering three pillars:\ \ Production, Ecological and Social Sustainability. Sustainable Natural Production Forest Management\ \ (SNPFM) is a certification system applied in Indonesia, using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to\ \ support decisionmaking process. AHP has been criticised amongs other things by its compensatory\ \ approach using linear additive utility model to integrate crisp values... , "[L. F. Riley] Sustainable forest management is an international as well as a Canadian domestic concern.\ \ Sustainability is characterised by a framework of criteria and associated indicators which identify\ \ its principal attributes and the parameters which can be measured to assess the extent to which\ \ sustainability is being achieved. Canada is developing a set of criteria and indicators of\ \ sustainable forest management for domestic purposes, and is participating in a number of similar\ \ international initiatives which will establish international norms for sustainability...

Broader concept


  • 0000-0003-2195-3997


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 10/12/16, last modified 3/21/22