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This concept has been deprecated.

deprecated concept > phylogenetic diversity

Preferred term

phylogenetic diversity  

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  • [Vincent Moulton] Phylogenetic diversity (PD) is a measure of the extent to which different subsets of taxa span an\ evolutionary tree, and provides a quantitative tool for studying biodiversity conservation.\ Recently, it was shown that the problem of finding subsets of taxa of given size to maximize PD can\ be efficiently solved by a greedy algorithm... , "[Fabio Pardi] Phylogenetic diversity (PD) is a useful metric for selecting taxa in a range of biological\ applications, for example, bioconservation and genomics, where the selection is usually constrained\ by the limited availability of resources... , "[Ana S. L. Rodrigues] Phylogenetic diversity (PD) is a biodiversity measure that takes account of phylogenetic\ relationships (hence evolutionary history) between taxa. It may therefore provide a better currency\ for conservation evaluation than taxonomic richness... , "[Beáta Faller] Phylogenetic diversity is a measure for describing how much of an evolutionary tree is spanned by a\ subset of species. If one applies this to the (unknown) subset of current species that will still be\ present at some future time, then this `future phylogenetic diversity' provides a measure of\ the impact of various extinction scenarios in biodiversity conservation...

Broader concept

Entry terms

  • PD
  • phylogenetically diverse
  • phylogenetic diversities


  • 0000-0003-2195-3997


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 10/12/16, last modified 3/21/22