Concept information
Preferred term
- In EnvThes a variable is defined aligned to the I-ADOPT Framework. It is a compound concept built by a property for an object of interest. For example, temperature (property) of air (the object of interest) results in the compound concept air temperature. As temperature can be measured in different media (e.g. water, soil, air), it is necessary to use compound concepts.
Narrower concepts
- abiotic heterogeneity
- above ground biomass
- above ground net primary production
- absorbed dose rate
- absorption coefficient
- acid neutralising capacity
- acid neutralising capacity of soil
- acid neutralising capacity of water
- actual crop transpiration
- advection rate
- age class
- age distribution
- age structure
- aggregate size distribution
- agricultural parameter
- air carbon dioxide concentration
- air humidity
- air methane concentration
- air nitrogen oxides concentration
- air nitrous oxyde concentration
- air pressure
- air specific humidity
- air sulfate concentration
- air temperature
- air vapor pressure deficit
- air water vapour concentration
- air water vapour pressure
- albedo
- algae species abundance
- algae species presence
- allele frequency
- altitudinal gradient
- ammonium content
- ammonium nitrate concentration
- ammonium nitrogen content
- amount of nitrate leaching
- amount of nitrogen leaching
- amount of organic matter
- animal species abundance
- animal species presence
- annelida presence
- annual net primary production
- aphids incidence in an agricultural experimental plot
- area of arable land of catchment
- area of glacier of catchment
- area of grassland of catchment
- area of slope 1-2% arable land of catchment
- area of slope 1% arable land of catchment
- area of slope 3-4% arable land of catchment
- area of slope 4-8% arable land of catchment
- area of slope 8% arable land of catchment
- area of unvegetated land of catchment
- area of with conservation tillage arable land of catchment
- area of woodland and forest of catchment
- atmosphere stability
- atmospheric optical thickness due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol
- atmospheric pressure
- available phosphorus
- available water capacity
- bacillariophyceae abundance
- bacillariophyceae biomass
- bacillariophyceae biovolume
- bacillariophyceae presence
- bacillariophyceae species richness
- bacteria abundance
- bacterial diversity
- bacterial growth efficiency
- bacterial respiration
- bacteria presence
- bare soil cover
- basal metabolic rate
- base cations content in water
- below ground autotrophic respiration
- below ground biomass
- benthic invertebrates abundance
- benthic invertebrates drift rates
- benthic invertebrates presence
- beta diversity
- biochemical composition
- biodiversity loss
- biological diversity
- biological oxygen demand
- biological sex
- biomass
- biomass allocation
- biomass dry
- biomass fresh
- biomass moisture content
- biomass of primary production to total living biomass ratio
- biomass of secondary consumers to production of primary consumers ratio
- biovolume
- bird egg mass
- bird egg size
- bird egg weight
- birds abundance
- birds presence
- birth date
- blood parameter
- body length
- body mass
- body mass index
- body size
- body temperature
- body weight
- brain size
- breeding success
- bryophytes cover
- bryophytes presence
- bryophytes species coverage
- buffer capacity
- bulk density of the fine earth
- canopy aerodynamic resistance
- canopy cover rate
- canopy gap area
- canopy growth rate
- canopy height
- canopy structure
- canopy temperature
- canopy transpiration
- carbon content primary consumers to carbon content secondary consumers ratio
- carbon content primary consumers to primary production ratio
- carbon dioxide flux
- carbon dioxide flux per soil horizon
- carbon dioxide respiration rate
- carbon harvest index
- carbon to nitrogen ratio
- catchment area
- catchment land cover class
- cation exchange capacity
- cell size
- change in population size over time
- chemical composition
- chemical composition of water
- chemical parameter
- chemical potential
- chloride deposition
- chlorophyll a concentration in water
- chlorophyll a content
- chlorophyll a content in plant
- chlorophyll content
- chlorophyta biovolume
- chlorophyta coverage
- clonal diversity
- cloud cover
- clutch size
- coarse woody debris abundance
- coarse woody debris biomass
- cold energy consumption of building
- community composition
- community pattern
- community structure
- concentration of dissolved lead in river water
- concentration of lead
- concentration of nitrogen in seeds
- concentration of nitrogen in the entire plant
- concentration of substance in organism
- conductivity
- consumers biomass
- content of basis total phosphorus in agricultural topsoil of catchment
- content of clay in topsoil of catchment
- content of total phosphorus in agricultural topsoil of catchment
- correction of R-factor
- cost of reproduction
- crop growth rate
- crop solute content
- crop surface temperature
- crop temperature
- crop transpiration
- crown closure
- current direction
- current smoking status
- current speed
- cyanobacteria biomass
- cyanobacteria biovolume
- cyanobacteria species richness
- date of last PCR-test performed by certified laboratory
- date of start of physiological maturity
- date of start of stem elongation
- daylight length
- dead wood biomass
- deadwood decaying rate
- deadwood position
- deadwood volume
- delivery ratio of soil erosion in sediment of catchment
- denitrification potential
- deposition of base cations
- dew point
- diatomophyceae coverage
- diet composition
- diffuse reflectance
- diffuse solar radiation intensity
- dinoflagellata biomass
- dinoflagellata biovolume
- dinoflagellata species richness
- direct radiation intensity
- dispersal distance
- dispersal of larvae
- dissolved nutrient
- dissolved organic carbon content
- dissolved organic carbon in soil
- dissolved organic carbon in water
- dissolved organic nitrogen
- dissolved organic phosphorus
- distance to nearest neighbour EUNIS habitat patch
- disturbance pattern
- diversity index
- DNA polymorphism
- DNA sequence
- dose (mass) of applied nanomaterial internalised by a specific cell population
- dose (number) of applied nanomaterial internalised by a specific cell population
- drift rate
- drought resistance
- drought tolerance
- dry bulk density
- dryland salinity
- dry matter biomass
- dry matter content
- dry matter yield
- dynamic shear viscosity of polystyrene
- earth worms abundance
- ecosystem health
- ecosystem parameter
- ecosystem structure
- effective population size
- electrical conductivity of stagnant surface water
- electricity consumption of building
- electron density in the solar wind
- elevated temperature
- emergence date
- emerging insects biomass
- emission of total phosphorus from agricultural soil erosion
- emission of total phosphorus from diffuse sources
- emission of total phosphorus from natural soil erosion
- emission rate
- energy efficiency measure
- enrichment ratio of total phosphorus in catchment
- environmental heterogeneity
- environmental quality index
- euphotic depth
- evaporation water surface
- fauna diversity
- feral-free enclosure area
- fine woody debris biomass
- fire resistance
- fire severity index
- fish abundance
- fishing yield
- flora diversity
- floristic composition
- flowering date
- foliage projective cover
- food chain length
- forest cover
- forest structure
- fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation
- frost point
- functional diversity
- fungal diversity
- fungi species abundance
- fungi species presence
- gas consumption of building
- generation time
- genetic parameter
- genetic polymorphism
- genetic variability
- geological site characterization
- germination date
- global radiation irradiance
- grain size
- grain weight
- greenness
- greenness index
- ground surface temperature
- ground temperature
- groundwater level
- groundwater permeability
- growth factor
- growth rate
- habitat complexity
- habitat degradation
- habitat disturbance
- habitat function
- habitat heterogeneity
- habitat land cover
- habitat landscape metrics
- habitat structure
- habitat use
- harvest index
- heat consumption of building
- heat flow
- heat flux
- height of atmospheric boundary layer
- heterotrophic respiration
- home range area
- ice cover
- incoming radiation intensity
- inorganic carbon content
- inorganic nitrogen content
- inorganic nutrient content
- insoluble organic carbon content
- interception
- interspecific variation
- intraspecific variation
- invasive species list
- irradiance
- lake level
- lake temperature
- land cover
- land cover type
- landscape composition
- landscape configuration
- landscape connectivity
- landscape fragmentation
- landscape heterogeneity
- landscape metrics
- landscape parameter
- landscape pattern
- landscape structure
- land surface temperature
- land use
- land use classes coverage
- land use intensity
- land use pattern
- latent heat
- latitudinal diversity gradient
- latitudinal gradient
- leaf age
- leaf area
- leaf area index
- leaf area ratio
- leaf litter biomass
- leaf longevity time
- leaf nitrogen concentration
- leaf nutrient
- leaf size
- light extinction coefficient
- litter
- litter carbon to nitrogen ratio
- litter decomposition rate
- litter residence time
- litter size
- long wave radiation
- macrofauna abundance
- macrophyte epiphyte biomass
- macrophyte leaf biomass
- macrophyte rhizome biomass
- macrophytes biomass
- macrophytobenthos morpho-functional groups
- macropores saturated water content
- mass concentration of DDT
- mass concentration of docosahexaenoic acid per dry weight
- mass concentration of isobutylene in chloroform
- mass flux of carbon into soil from vegetation due to senescence
- mass per area of accumulated surplus total phosphorus of catchment
- mass per area of actual soil erosion in arable land of catchment
- mass per area of actual soil erosion in glacier of catchment
- mass per area of actual soil erosion in unvegetated land of catchment
- mass per area of actual soil erosion in woodland and forest of catchment
- mass per area of actual soil erosion of catchment
- mass per area of agricultural soil erosion in sediment of catchment
- mass per area of natural soil erosion in sediment of catchment
- mass per area of soil erosion in sediment of catchment
- mass per area per time of soil erosion in arable land of catchment
- mass per area per time of soil erosion in grassland of catchment
- mass per area per time of soil erosion in slope 1-2% arable land of catchment
- mass per area per time of soil erosion in slope 1% arable land of catchment
- mass per area per time of soil erosion in slope 3-4% arable land of catchment
- mass per area per time of soil erosion in slope 4-8% arable land of catchment
- mass per area per time of soil erosion in slope 8% arable land of catchment
- mass per area per time of soil erosion of catchment
- matrix potential
- matter efficiency measure
- maximum temperature
- mean annual air temperature
- mean annual precipitation
- mean annual temperature
- metabolic rate
- methane concentration
- microbial biomass
- microbial biomass carbon
- microbial diversity
- microbial respiration
- microhabitat coverage
- microhabitat diversity
- microphytobenthos morpho-functional groups
- mineral nitrogen mineralised from humus
- mineral nitrogen mineralised from organic matter
- minimum temperature
- mortality rate
- mortality risk
- nanoflagellata biomass
- nanoflagellata species richness
- naturalness
- nervosity feelings in past 30 days
- nest success
- net assimilation rate
- net far infrared radiation irradiance
- net photosynthetic rate
- net primary productivity
- net radiation irradiance
- net solar radiation irradiance
- neutralizing capacity
- niche breadth
- nitrate content
- nitrate flow in drain
- nitrate nitrogen content
- nitrogen availability
- nitrogen balance
- nitrogen budget
- nitrogen content
- nitrogen content of biomass
- nitrogen dioxide flux
- nitrogen dry deposition
- nitrogen fixation rate
- nitrogen harvest index
- nitrogen symbiotic fixation
- nitrogen volatilisation from fertiliser
- nitrogen volatilisation from mineral fertiliser
- nitrogen volatilisation from organic fertiliser
- nitrous oxyde emission
- normalized difference vegetation index
- normalized vegetation index
- nutrient availability
- nutrient concentration
- nutrient content
- nutrient flux
- ocean current
- ochrophyta coverage
- organic sediment mass
- organic sediments mass
- osmotic pressure
- outcrossing rate
- overnight stays in 3-star hotel near the sea shore
- oxygen concentration
- oxygen saturation
- oxygen uptake rate
- ozone concentration
- particulate organic carbon content
- particulate organic matter content
- patch density
- patch size
- peak ground acceleration during seismic events
- percent carbon
- percent nitrogen
- percent organic carbon
- perched water table
- perched water table depth
- perched water table thickness
- phenotypic plasticity
- phenotypic variation
- pH in sediment
- photochemical reflectance index
- photosynthetically active radiation intensity
- photosynthetic rate
- pH value of water
- phycocyanin concentration in water
- phycoerythrin concentration in water
- phytobenthos biomass
- phytoplankton abundance
- phytoplankton biomass
- picophytoplankton biovolume
- planctic Foraminifera size in surface sediments
- plant biomass
- plant carbon concentration
- plant cover
- plant density
- plant development stage
- plant distribution
- plant diversity
- plant growth rate
- plant height
- plant nitrogen concentration
- plant nutrient
- plant population changes over time
- plant size
- plant species abundance
- plant species composition
- plant species presence
- plant species richness
- plant transpiration
- ploidy level
- population changes over time
- population density
- population size
- population structure
- pore size
- pore size distribution
- pore structure
- pore water content
- portion of soil erosion in sediment of catchment
- potential crop transpiration
- potential evaporation
- potential evapotranspiration
- precipitation amount
- precipitation intensity
- pressure head
- prey availability
- primary productivity
- probability of occurrence of EUNIS habitat
- pruning biomass
- pruning dry matter
- pruning residue
- prymnesiophyceae biomass
- prymnesiophyceae species richness
- rainfall variability
- range size
- redox potential of water
- reflected global radiation irradiance
- reflected radiation intensity
- relative abundance
- relative growth rate
- residence time
- residual water content
- resource allocation
- resource limitation
- respiration per biomass
- respiration potential
- respiration rate
- retention time
- rhodophyta coverage
- river discharge
- river temperature
- root biomass
- root density
- root dry weight
- root growth rate
- root length
- runoff amount
- sapwood area
- saturated water content
- seagrass biomass
- seagrass coverage
- seagrass genetic diversity
- seagrass leaf formation senescence
- seagrass leaf standing biomass
- seagrass photosynthetic active leaf area
- seagrass presence
- seagrass shoot density
- sea ice extent
- sea level
- seasonal change
- sea surface temperature
- secchi depth
- sediment acccumulation rate
- sedimentation rate
- sediment color
- sediment content
- sediment density
- sediment granulometric fraction
- sediment mass
- sediment organic content proportion
- sediment oxygen demand
- sediment porosity
- seedling growth rate
- seedling survival rate
- seed longevity time
- seed mass
- seed production
- seed size
- seed viability ratio
- seed yield
- sexual dimorphism
- sexual reproduction
- sexual size dimorphism
- shade tolerance
- sheet resistance of 5 mm thick layer of gold
- shoot dry weight
- shoot growth rate
- shoot ratio
- sight depth
- silicium content
- size distribution
- sky temperature
- slope of catchment
- snow cover
- snow depth
- snow temperature
- snow water equivalent
- soil acidity
- soil albedo
- soil alkalinity
- soil base saturation
- soil carbon dioxide flux
- soil carbon dioxyde emission from residues
- soil carbon dioxyde flux
- soil carbon storage
- soil cation exchange capacity
- soil classification
- soil depth
- soil dissolved organic carbon concentration
- soil dissolved organic nitrogen
- soil dry bulk density
- soil evaporation
- soil fertility
- soil gas concentration
- soil gas flux
- soil gravimetric water content
- soil heat flux
- soil hydraulic conductivity
- soil immobile water content
- soil inorganic carbon content
- soil inorganic nitrogen content
- soil loss
- soil matrix water potential
- soil matrix water pressure head
- soil microbial diversity
- soil mobile water content
- soil moisture field capacity
- soil nitrogen
- soil organic carbon
- soil organic residual
- soil osmotic potential
- soil particle size
- soil pH
- soil pore structure
- soil porosity
- soil profile water content
- soil respiration
- soil salinity
- soil saturation
- soil saturation index
- soil solute amount
- soil solute sorbed content
- soil solution concentration
- soil solution eH
- soil suction
- soil temperature
- soil texture
- soil type classification
- soil volumetric water content
- soil water capillary rise
- soil water content
- soil water content in the root zone
- soil water holding capacity
- soil water pH
- soil water potential
- soil water retention
- soil water retention curve
- soil wilting point
- solar energy production of building
- solar radiation
- soluble reactive phosphorus content
- species abundance
- species composition
- species coverage
- species group abundance
- species list
- species presence
- species richness
- species trait
- species turnover
- specific conductivity
- stage height
- standard metabolic rate in mg of Oxygen per hour
- stand density
- stomatal conductance
- stream hydromorphological quality
- stream order
- stress response
- stress tolerance
- strike of bedding
- sulfate deposition
- sulphur content of biomass
- sunshine duration
- surface air temperature
- surface area
- surface runoff
- survival rate
- suspended solids
- systolic blood pressure of resting human
- thaw depth
- thickness of soil horizon
- total acidity
- total alkalinity
- total carbon
- total dissolved nitrogen
- total dissolved phosphorus
- total emission of total phosphorus
- total inorganic carbon
- total inorganic nitrogen
- total kjeldahl nitrogen
- total nitrogen content
- total organic carbon content in soil
- total organic carbon in water
- total organic nitrogen
- total phosphorus
- total phosphorus content
- total radiation irradiance
- total sulfur
- transpiration rate
- transpiration to evaporation ratio
- tree age
- tree basal area
- tree breast height diameter
- tree condition
- tree diameter
- tree diameter at breast height
- tree distribution
- tree height
- tree mortality
- tree trunk char height
- ultraviolet radiation intensity
- vapor pressure
- vegetation cover
- vegetation layer composition
- vegetation layer structure
- vegetation layer type
- vegetation pattern
- vegetation reflectance
- vegetation structure
- water acidity
- water albedo
- water alkalinity
- water colour
- water conductivity
- water consumption of building
- water content
- water depth
- water efficiency measure
- water flavour
- water gauge level
- water heavy metal concentration
- water level
- water potential
- water pressure
- water quality
- water reflectance
- water salinity
- water smell
- water table
- water temperature
- water transmissivity
- water transparency
- water turbidity
- water velocity
- water volume
- weight specific ingestion Carbon rate at 15 °C
- wind direction
- wind direction (mean and gust)
- wind speed
- wind speed (mean and gust)
- wood
- woody debris biomass
- zooplankton abundance
- zooplankton biomass
Entry terms
- parameter
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}