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deprecated concept > tropical dry forest

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tropical dry forest  

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  • [THOMAS W GILLESPIE] Tropical dry forest is the most endangered major vegetation type in the New Caledonia biodiversity\ hotspot. Vegetation surveys following a transect method used by Gentry were undertaken in two\ tropical dry forest sites, Ouen-Toro and Pindai, in order to compare species richness, floristic\ composition, and structure... , "[Thomas W Gillespie] Tropical dry forest is the most endangered major vegetation type in the New Caledonia biodiversity\ hotspot. Vegetation surveys following a transect method used by Gentry were undertaken in two\ tropical dry forest sites, Ouen-Toro and Pindai, in order to compare species richness, floristic\ composition, and structure... , "[Patricia Moreno-Casasola] The tropical dry forest is an ecosystem under strong human pressure. It is found both inland and on\ coastal dunes...



  • tropical dry forests



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