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deprecated concept > sustainable agriculture

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sustainable agriculture  


  • [F. Shahbazi] Sustainable agriculture is the main goal of land evaluation. The current study deals with land\ \ suitability evaluation of Ahar soils, 9000 ha approximately, located in East Azarbaijan. The\ \ decision support system, MicroLEIS DSS (Microcomputer land evaluation Information system) was used\ \ to evaluate the suitability for wheat (Triticum aestivum), maize (Zea maize), sugar beet (Beta\ \ vulgaris) and potato (Solanum tubersum)... , "[Ogunsumi LUCIA OMOBOLANLE] Sustainable Agriculture is a way of farming that can be carried out for generations to come. This\ \ long-term approach to agriculture combines effi cient production with the wise stewardship of the\ \ earth's resources. It is imperative to investigate the general welfare and social well-being\ \ of farmers' pattern of resources use as evidenced by their status relative to cassava and\ \ maize technologies. The main objective was to investigate the farmers' personal, economic\ \ and sociocultural characteristics as well as the contribution to their productivity... , "[David L. Williams] Sustainable agriculture is a global philosophy guiding the development of agricultural systems that\ \ address economic, social, and environmental issues in a multidisciplinary manner. Sustainable\ \ agriculture requires a holistic, system-oriented approach to solving problems in the food and fiber\ \ industry... , "[James C. Ascough II] Sustainable agriculture is a complex problem that demands consideration of many interrelated\ \ factors, processes, and institutions...




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