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Dieser Begriff ist veraltet.

deprecated concept > stress tolerance

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

stress tolerance  

Ersetzt durch


  • [R. Hema] Stress tolerance is a multigenic character and there are many stress responsive genes, which are\ \ stress specific. Although many of these have been cloned, their functional significance remains\ \ fragmentary. Hence it is important to identify the relevant stress genes involved in altering the\ \ metabolism for adaptation. Overexpression is one of the several approaches and Chlamydomonas is a\ \ suitable system to study the functional relevance of stress genes. Stress responses can only be\ \ assessed on prior exposure to sublethal induction stress...



  • stress tolerant
  • stress tolerating



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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Erstellt 12.10.16, Geändert am 21.03.22