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deprecated concept > spatial autocorrelation

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

spatial autocorrelation  


  • [Malika Khalili] Spatial autocorrelation is a correlation between the values of a single variable, considering their\ \ geographical locations. This concept has successfully been used for multi-site generation of daily\ \ precipitation data (Khalili et al... , "[Suriatini Ismail] Spatial autocorrelation is a phenomenon where the values of a variable located within certain\ \ geographic area show a similar pattern. It is a source of imperfection in house price modelling that\ \ employs the popular technique of hedonic regression. Despite its long established concept, it is\ \ only recently when spatial autocorrelation has started to gain the attention of real estate\ \ studies...



  • spatial autocorrelated
  • spatial autocorrelations
  • spatially autocorrelated



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