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deprecated concept > sexual dimorphism

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

sexual dimorphism  

Ersetzt durch


  • [Shawn E. Vincent] Sexual dimorphism is a common phenomenon among animals. The usual cause cited for sexual dimorphism\ \ in animals is sexual selection acting through female choice or male-male combat... , "[M. T. Krueger] Sexual dimorphism is a common phenomenon among many different types of animals including peafowl,\ \ pheasants, humans, praying mantises, and others. It can be recognized in structural differences\ \ between the two genders in a species. These differences reflect the outcome of natural selection's\ \ actions relative to the roles of each gender... , "[Celina M. Takemura] Sexual dimorphism is an important source of intraspecific variability in biological species, and so\ \ virtually all studies in populational or interspecific levels need to take dierences among males and\ \ females into consideration... , "[Mylène LeBlanc] Sexual dimorphism is an important characteristic of many mammals, but little is known about how\ \ environmental variables may affect its phenotypic expression. The relationships between population\ \ size, body mass, seasonal mass changes, and sexual mass dimorphism were investigated using 22 years\ \ of data on individually marked bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) on Ram Mountain, Alberta. The number\ \ of adult ewes was artificially maintained low from 1972 to 1981 and then allowed to increase. The\ \ body mass of males from 0 to 7 years of age was negatively affected by population density...



  • sexual dimorphisms
  • sexually dimorphic



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