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deprecated concept > self organization

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self organization  

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  • [N. Skorin-Kapov] Self-organization is a phenomenon that has been observed in many real-life complex networks and the\ \ associated concepts have been utilized in various branches of science. As capacity requirements in\ \ transparent optical networks (TONs) increase, so does their complexity. This in turn makes designing\ \ scalable security mechanisms critical, particularly due to the high speeds and transparency inherent\ \ in TONs. These security mechanisms should be able to handle unforseen attacks, as well as component\ \ faults... , "[Kashif Zia] Self-organization is a computing paradigm in which participating entities proceed to execute a\ \ global goal strictly based on local information. In population dynamics, the sense of togetherness\ \ (due to social bindings or a common confinement) experienced by a group of individuals (i.e. 'crowd\ \ group') is an interesting phenomenon to explore in the context of self-organization... , "[Matteo Casadei] Self-organization is a feasible metaphor for dealing with the growing complexity of today's\ \ software systems. Self-organization makes desired global system's behavior appear as an\ \ emergent property from component local interactions. The corresponding dynamics is usually\ \ non-linear so that the adoption of stochastic simulation and probabilistic model checking becomes\ \ essential in the early design stage... , "[Carlos José Pereira de Lucena] Self-organization is a dynamic and adaptive process where components of a system acquire and\ \ maintain information about their environment and neighbors without external control. Agent-Oriented\ \ Software Engineering (AOSE) can provide methods and technologies that help building self-organizing\ \ systems. A fundamental engineering issue when designing self-organizing emergent multi-agent systems\ \ (MASs) is to achieve required macroscopic properties by manipulating the microscopic behavior of\ \ locally interacting agents... , "[J. A. Valdivia] Self-organization is a possible solution to the seemingly contradicting observation of the\ \ repeatable and coherent substorm phenomena with underlying complex behavior in the plasma sheet.\ \ Self-organization, through spatio-temporal chaos, emerges naturally in a plasma physics model with\ \ sporadic dissipation...



  • self organized
  • self organizing



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