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deprecated concept > seed weight

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seed weight  


  • [Lea R. Wirth] Seed weight is a prominent life history trait of plants affecting dispersal, establishment, and\ \ survival. In alpine environments, the few studies investigating the effect of elevation on seed\ \ weight within species have mainly detected a decrease in seed weight with increasing elevation. This\ \ relationship is generally attributed to the adverse climate at high elevations... , "[M. A. R. Mian] Seed weight (SW) is a component of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., seed yield, as well as an\ \ important trait for food-type soybeans. Two soybean populations, 120 F4-derived lines of\ \ YoungxPI416937 (Pop1) and 111 F2-derived lines of PI97100xCoker 237 (Pop2), were mapped with RFLP\ \ makers to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conditioning SW across environments and\ \ populations. The genetic map of Pop1 consisted of 155 loci covering 973 cM, whereas Pop2 involved\ \ 153 loci and covered 1600 cM of map distance... , "[Chuchuan Fan] Seed weight is an important component of grain yield in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), but the\ \ genetic basis for the important quantitative trait is still not clear. In order to identify the\ \ genes for seed weight in oilseed rape, QTL mapping for thousand seed weight (TSW) was conducted with\ \ a doubled haploid (DH) population and an F2 population. A complete linkage map of the DH population\ \ was constructed using 297 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers...



  • seed weights



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