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deprecated concept > river discharge

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river discharge  

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  • [Kiyoshi Kawanishi] The river discharge is an important hydrological quantity on river planning, management, and\ \ environment conservation. In order to monitor the discharge in real time, an acoustic velocity meter\ \ (AVM) has been developed and deployed at a tidal river. The AVM has breakthroughs as follows: 1)\ \ accurate time with GPS clock signals, 2) high signal-to-noise ratio with tenth order M-sequence, 3)\ \ thrifty power consumption, reduction in size and weight... , "[Caries Ibafiez] River discharge is the main factor controlling the hydrologic dynamics of the Ebre and Rhone\ \ estuaries. The topography of the estuary bed also influences the extent, advance, and retreat of the\ \ salt wedge. Tides have little influence because of the low tidal range. Mean annual river discharge\ \ is close to the critical value determining the formation and breakup of the salt wedge... , "[Kiyosi Kawanisi] River discharge is an important hydrological quantity on river and coastal planning/management,\ \ control of water resources, etc. In the present study, water discharge in a shallow tidal channel,\ \ which is 120 m wide and 0.3~3 m deep, was continuously measured using a new river acoustic\ \ tomography (RAT) system. A couple of transducers of central frequency 30 kHz were installed\ \ diagonally across the channel... , "[Laura Díaz] River discharge is an important issue to be monitored because of its significant influence on\ \ environmental systems, on human lives for water resource exploitation, and hazards related to floods\ \ and landslides...



  • river discharging



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