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Dieser Begriff ist veraltet.

deprecated concept > rainfall variability

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

rainfall variability  

Ersetzt durch


  • [Heiko Paeth] Rainfall variability is a crucial factor in food production,water resource planning and ecosystems,\ \ especially in regions with scarce freshwaterresources. In West Africa rainfall has been subject to\ \ largedecadal and interdecadal variations during the 20th century. The most prominent feature is\ \ thereduction in rainfall amount throughout the second half of the century with somerecovery at the\ \ end... , "[Philip A. Fay] Rainfall variability is a key driver of ecosystem structure and function in grasslands worldwide.\ \ Changes in rainfall patterns predicted by global climate models for the central United States are\ \ expected to cause lower and increasingly variable soil water availability, which may impact net\ \ primary production and plant species composition in native Great Plains grasslands...



  • rainfalls variability
  • rainfall variabilities



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