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deprecated concept > prescribed fire

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prescribed fire  

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  • [Scott L. Stephens] Prescribed fire is a common method used to produce desired ecological effects in chaparral by\ mimicking the natural role of fire. Since prescribed fires are usually conducted in moderate fuel\ and weather conditions, models that accurately predict fire behavior and effects under these\ scenarios are important for management. In this study, explosive audio devices and steel stakes were\ used to record the location of the flaming front during seven prescribed fires in mature, chamise (\ Adenostoma fasciculatum) dominated chaparral in northern California... , "[Robin E. Russell] Prescribed fire is a management tool used to reduce fuel loads on public lands in forested areas in\ the western United States. Identifying the impacts of prescribed fire on bird communities in\ ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests is necessary for providing land management agencies with\ information regarding the effects of fuel reduction on sensitive, threatened, and migratory bird\ species. Recent developments in occupancy modeling have established a framework for quantifying the\ impacts of management practices on wildlife community dynamics... , "[Keith Grabner] Prescribed fire is a valuable tool in the restoration and management of oak savannas. BEHAVE, a fire\ behavior prediction system developed by the United States Forest Service, can be a useful tool when\ managing oak savannas with prescribed fire. BEHAVE predictions of fire rate-of-spread and flame\ length were validated using four standardized fuel models: Fuel Model 1 (short grass), Fuel Model 2\ (timber and grass), Fuel Model 3 (tall grass), and Fuel Model 9 (hardwood litter)... , "[Frank Lepine] Prescribed fire is an important silvicultural tool. Several factors, including changes in\ silvicultural techniques, regulations regarding the use of prescribed fire, air quality concerns,\ and concerns over escaped fires have led to a declining use of prescribed fire for silvicultural\ purposes in British Columbia... , "[Haiganoush K. Preisler] Prescribed fire is a management tool used by wildland resource management organizations in many\ ecosystems to reduce hazardous fuels and to achieve a host of other objectives. To study the effects\ of fire in naturally accumulating fuel conditions, the ambient soil temperature is monitored beneath\ prescribed burns...



  • prescribed fires
  • prescribe fire
  • prescribe fires
  • Prescribing Fire



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