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deprecated concept > population viability analysis

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

population viability analysis  


  • [Thomas N. Kaye] Population viability analysis is an important tool for conservation biologists, and matrix models\ that incorporate stochasticity are commonly used for this purpose. However, stochastic simulations\ may require assumptions about the distribution of matrix parameters, and modelers often select a\ statistical distribution that seems reasonable without sufficient data to test its fit... , "[SUSAN E. MEYER] Population viability analysis (PVA) is a valuable tool for rare plant conservation, but PVA for\ plants with persistent seed banks is difficult without reliable information on seed bank\ processes... , "[Hugh P. Possingham] Population Viability Analysis (PVA) is a Monte Carlo simulation method for estimating the\ probability of extinction of threatened species. There has been a shift in the use of PVA from\ absolute species risk measurement to relative risk assessment associated with a ranking of\ management strategies...



  • PVA



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