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deprecated concept > phylogenetic analysis

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

phylogenetic analysis  

Ersetzt durch


  • [Jesse Mecham] Phylogenetic analysis is a central tool in studies of comparative genomics. When a new region of DNA\ is isolated and sequenced, researchers are often forced to throw away months of computation on an\ existing phylogeny of homologous sequences in order to incorporate this new sequence. The previously\ constructed trees are often discarded, and the researcher begins the search again from scratch. The\ jumpstarting algorithm uses trees from the prior search as a starting point for a new phylogenetic\ search. This technique drastically decreases search time for large data sets... , "[Thomas M. Keane] Phylogenetic analysis is an area of computational biology concerned with the reconstruction of\ evolutionary relationships between organisms, genes, and gene families. Maximum likelihood\ evaluation has proven to be one of the most reliable methods for constructing phylogenetic trees...



  • phylogenetical analysis
  • phylogenetically Analysis
  • phylogenetic analysi
  • phylogenetics analysis



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