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Dieser Begriff ist veraltet.

deprecated concept > open source

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

open source  


  • [Paolo Locatelli] Open source is a still unexploited chance for healthcare organizations and technology providers to\ answer to a growing demand for innovation and to join economical benefits with a new way of managing\ hospital information systems. This chapter will present the case of the web enterprise clinical\ portal developed in Italy by Niguarda Hospital in Milan with the support of Fondazione Politecnico\ di Milano, to enable a paperless environment for clinical and administrative activities in the\ ward... , "[Comino Fabio] Open source is an example of user-centric innovation initiated by an individual or group of users to\ satisfy their specific needs; the more a software evolves towards a stable release able to address\ the requirements of its developers, the more successful the project...



  • open sourc
  • open sourced
  • Open Sources
  • Open Sourcing
  • opens source
  • OS



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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Erstellt 12.10.16, Geändert am 18.06.18