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deprecated concept > on-line monitoring

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

on-line monitoring  

Ersetzt durch


  • [Feng Gao] On-line monitoring is a useful technique for ensuring system reliability. By continuously\ supervising the system's operation, a wide range of problems, such as physical defects,\ transient faults and design errors, can be detected. A monitor M*'s behavior can be viewed\ as an abstraction of the target system M's behavior, and can be represented by a homomorphic\ mapping from M to M*... , "[Feng Gao] On-line monitoring is a useful technique for ensuring system reliability. By continuously\ supervising the system's operation, a wide range of problems, such as physical defects,\ transient faults and design errors, can be detected. A monitor M * 's behavior can be viewed\ as an abstraction of the target system M's behavior, and can be represented by a homomorphic\ mapping from M to M * ...



  • on line monitor
  • on line monitored
  • On Line Monitoring
  • on line monitors



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