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deprecated concept > nitrogen availability

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

nitrogen availability  

Ersetzt durch


  • [G. Philip Robertson] Nitrogen availability is a critical component of productivity in successional lowland rainforests,\ and nitrogen losses from a given system may largely depend on rates of nitrification in soils of the\ system. Two hypotheses were tested in a study of a 6-point secondary rainforest sere in the coastal\ lowlands of Costa Rica: that nitrification and N mineralization change in a directed fashion in\ lowland rainforest successions, and that nitrification is regulated by ammonium availability at all\ points along the sere... , "[Sonya T. Dyhrman] Nitrogen availability is an important factor controlling phytoplankton abundance and species\ composition in marine waters. In addition to inorganic nitrogen, some phytoplankton species can use\ dissolved organic nitrogen sources such as urea for growth...



  • nitrogen avail
  • nitrogen available



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