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deprecated concept > network analysis

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

network analysis  

Ersetzt durch


  • [Tatiana von Landesberger] Network analysis is an important task in a wide variety of application domains including analysis of\ social, financial, or transportation networks, to name a few. The appropriate visualization of\ graphs may reveal useful insight into relationships between network entities and subnetworks.\ However, often further algorithmic analysis of network structures is needed... , "[Douglas A. Luke] Network analysis is an approach to research that is uniquely suited to describing, exploring, and\ understanding structural and relational aspects of health... , "[F. Bellomi] Network analysis is a quantitative methodology for studying properties related to connectivity and\ distances in graphs, with diverse applications like citation indexing and information retrieval on\ the Web. The hyperlinked structure of Wikipedia and the ongoing, incremental editing process behind\ it make it an interesting and unexplored target domain for network analysis techniques... , "[Brian D. Fath] Network analysis is an important methodology that has been applied in systems ecology. Many\ theoretical insights have arisen from this approach, primarily the importance of indirect relations\ in ecosystems and the holistic determination of ecological relations. This approach, adopted from\ economic input-output analysis, treats systems as interconnected nodes and arcs of material or\ energy transfer...



  • Networked Analysis
  • networking analysis
  • Networks Analysis



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