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deprecated concept > model validation

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

model validation  

Ersetzt durch


  • [Yuqing Yang] Model validation is an important part of model development. It is performed to increase the\ credibility and gain sufficient confidence about a model... , "[Richard Dorling] Model validation is a crucial aspect of the development of any dynamic system that uses computer\ aided engineering (CAE). The ease of applying model validation techniques is dependent on the\ structure of the model, and this is often dependent on the CAE tool used. The Modelica language is\ both well-structured, and independent of any CAE tool. As such it exhibits many features that make\ it ideal in the application of model validation techniques... , "[M. Y. Mashor] Model validation is an important step in system identification process. However, theoretical\ derivation of model validity tests for neural network such as RBF network is very complicated. The\ current study, investigate the capability of some of the model validity tests that are widely been\ used namely one step ahead prediction, model predicted output, means square error and correlation\ tests...



  • modeling Validation
  • model valid
  • model validated
  • model validators
  • model validity



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