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deprecated concept > land use change

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land use change  

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  • [Fr‚d‚ric Barraquand] Land use change is a main driver of biodiversity erosion, especially in agricultural landscapes.Incentive-based agri-environmental policies aim at inuencing land-use pattern... , "[Eric Koomen] Land-use change is a key factor in the development of the human and physical environment. Models ofland-use change help understand this intricate system and can provide valuable information onpossible future land-use configurations. The latter is crucial for policy makers across the globethat have to deal with such varied topics as: urbanisation, deforestation, water management, erosioncontrol and the like... , "[Shoufan Fang] Land use change is an important research area in landscape ecology and urban development. Prediction of land use change (urban development) provides critical information for making the right policies and management plans in order to maintain and improve ecosystem and city functions. Logistic regression is a widely used method to predict binomial probabilities of land use change when just two responses (change and no-change) are considered. However, in practice, more than two types of change are encountered and multinomial probabilities are therefore needed... , "[Qiu-Hao Huang] Land use change is an important topic in the field of global environmental change and sustainabledevelopment. Land use change modeling has attracted substantial attention because it helpsresearchers understand the mechanisms of land use change and assists regulatory bodies informulating relevant policies. Maotiao River Basin is located in the province of Guizhou, China,which has a developed agricultural industry in the karst mountain areas...



  • land use changed
  • land use changes
  • land use changing
  • land used changed
  • land uses changes
  • LUC


  • MS Academic Keywords



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