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deprecated concept > groundwater recharge

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

groundwater recharge  


  • [Lihe Yin] Groundwater recharge is a key factor in water-balance studies, especially in (semi-)arid areas. Inthis study, multiple methods were used to estimate groundwater recharge in the Ordos Plateau(China), including reference to water-table fluctuation, Darcy?s law and the water budget. The meanannual recharge rates found were: water-table-fluctuation method (46?109 mm/yr) , "[J. L. McCallum] Groundwater recharge is a complex process reflecting many interactions between climate, vegetationand soils. Climate change will impact upon groundwater recharge but it is not clear which climatevariables have the greatest influence over recharge. This study used a sensitivity analysis ofclimate variables using a modified version of WAVES, a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer model(unsaturated zone), to determine the importance of each climate variable in the change ingroundwater recharge for three points in Australia... , "[Bridget R. Scanlon] Groundwater recharge is a critical hydrological parameter that, depending on the application, mayneed to be estimated at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Quantification of water fluxesfrom the atmosphere to underlying aquifers is important for global water budgets... , "[Keith E. Schilling] Groundwater recharge is an important component to hydrologic studies but is known to vary considerably across the landscape. The purpose of this study was to examine 4 years of water-level behavior in a transect of four water-table wells installed at Walnut Creek, Iowa, USA to evaluate how groundwater recharge varied along a topographic gradient. The amount of daily water-table rise (WTR) in the wells was summed at monthly and annual scales and estimates of specific yield (Sy) were used to convert the WTR to recharge... , "[Niclas Bockg†rd] Groundwater recharge is an important but often a highly uncertain boundary condition when modelinggroundwater flow in bedrock. Here the distribution of water infiltrating through the soil overburdeninto the underlying fractured bedrock is studied for different infiltration rates, drainageconditions and soil-rock permeability contrasts...



  • groundwater recharged
  • groundwater recharges
  • groundwater recharging
  • groundwaters recharged


  • Unclear. Duplicate


  • MS Academic Keywords



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