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deprecated concept > compensatory growth

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compensatory growth  

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  • [Matthew E Picha] Compensatory growth (CG) is a period of growth acceleration that exceeds normal rates after animals are alleviated of certain growth-stuntingconditions.Inhybridstripedbass(HSB,Morone chrysops!Morone saxatilis), 3 weeks of complete feed restriction results in a catabolic state that, when relieved, renders a subsequent phase of CG... , "[Alfredo G. Nicieza] Compensatory growth (CG) is a key issue in work aiming at a full understanding of the adaptive significance of growth plasticity and its carryover effects on life-history. The number of studies addressing evolutionary explanations for CG has increased rapidly during the last few years, but there has not been a parallel gain in our understanding of the methodological difficulties associated with the analysis of CG... , "[D. Álvarez] Compensatory growth is a phase of unusually rapid growth following a period of growth depression. This response allows animals to achieve the same size-for-age as continuously fed contemporaries... , "[L. Kristensen] Compensatory growth is a phenomenon observed in pigs given free access to feed following a period of restricted feeding that results in increased growth rates. Compensatory growth is believed to increase protein turnover and thereby the proteolytic potential at the time of slaughter, leading to faster tenderization rates of meat. Nine litters of three gilts and three barrows were allocated within litter and gender to three dietary treatment groups... , "[David µlvarez] Compensatory growth is an organism&#39



  • MS Academic Keywords



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