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deprecated concept > ant colony optimization

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

ant colony optimization  


  • [Vittorio Maniezzo] Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a class of metaheuristic algorithms sharing the common approach of constructing a solution on the basis of information provided both by a standard constructive heuristic and by previously constructed solutions... , "[Xiangpei Hu] The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a recent meta-heuristic algorithm for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems. The algorithm, however, has the weaknesses of premature convergence and low search speed, which greatly hinder its application... , "[Enrique Alba] The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic is a bio-inspired approach for hard combinatorial optimization problems for stationary and non-stationary environments. In the ACO metaheuristic, a colony of artificial ants cooperate for finding high quality solutions in a reasonable time. An interesting example of a non-stationary combinatorial optimization problem is the Multiple Elevators Problem (MEP) which consists in finding a sequence of movements for each elevator to perform in a building so that to minimize, for instance, the users waiting average time... , "[K. Thangavel] Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic is a recent population-based approach inspired by the observation of real ants colony and based upon their collective foraging behavior... , "[Chia Jim Tong] Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a paradigm that employs a set of cooperating agents to solve functions or obtain good so lutions for combinatorial optimization problems...



  • ACO
  • ant colonies optimization
  • ant colony optimizations
  • ant colony optimizer
  • ant colony optimizers
  • ants colony optimization


  • Unclear


  • MS Academic Keywords



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