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deprecated concept > sea surface temperature

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

sea surface temperature  


  • [Paulo Pereira Oliveira Matos] Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important parameter indicative of earths climate state. An\ \ accurate measurement of this parameter, in a global scale, plays a fundamental role in applications\ \ concerning marine environmental sciences and climate studies... , "[W. J. Emery] Sea surface temperature (SST) is a critical quantity in the study of both the ocean and the\ \ atmosphere as it is directly related to and often dictates the exchanges of heat, momentum and gases\ \ between the ocean and the atmosphere... , "[Kristinab. Katsaros] Sea surface temperature (SST) is a result of multiple interactions in air-sea processes. During days\ \ with strong insolation and low wind speed, there may be uneven net heating of the water layer near\ \ the surface of the ocean, when there are horizontal temperature gradients at the sea surface.\ \ Cooling of the water caused by evaporation, sensible, or longwave radiative, heat loss would be\ \ greater from warm water compared to that from relatively cold water... , "[Igor Tomazic] Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important parameter in oceanography and meteorology due to its\ \ major influence on the exchange processes at the air-sea interface. Ever-increasing complexity and\ \ resolution of global and local, oceanographic, meteorological and coupled models further stress the\ \ need for accurate estimates of this parameter... , "[G. N. Vlahakis] Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is a critical factor in the assessment of the climatic structure of a\ \ coastal region affected mainly by air temperature (AT). A regionalization of the Aegean Sea based on\ \ SST values measured at twenty-one representative stations is presented using a widely accepted\ \ clustering method...



  • sea surface temperatures
  • SST



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