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deprecated concept > flowering time

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

flowering time  

Ersetzt durch


  • [F. Lin] Flowering time is an important trait for the adaptation of wheat to its target environments. To identify chromosome regions associated with flowering time in wheat, a whole genome scan was conducted with five sets of field trial data on a recombinant inbred lines (RIL) population derived from the cross of spring wheat cultivars ?Nanda 2419? and ?Wangshuibai?... , "[Masaki J. Kobayashi] Flowering time is a well-studied subject in ecology, evolution and molecular biology. Long-term phenological studies have shown relationships between flowering time and environmental and endogenous factors in many species. In contrast, molecular studies using model plants have revealed a complex regulatory network of flowering...



  • flowering times
  • flowering timing
  • flower time
  • flower timing


  • MS Academic Keywords



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