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Dieser Begriff ist veraltet.

deprecated concept > density dependence

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

density dependence  

Ersetzt durch


  • [Res Altwegg] Density dependence is the major process keeping the sizes of natural populations within bounds. In organisms with complex life cycles, the stage at which density dependence occurs and whether it occurs in one or several life stages have important consequences for the dynamics of their populations... , "[Nicola Saino] Density dependence is a common feature in the dynamics of animal populations. Availability of foodresources critical to immunity is likely to be one of the mechanisms mediating the effect ofpopulation density on individual fitness. The ability to mount an immune response to an antigen isalso affected by levels of immunosuppressive hormones associated with reproduction or mediating theresponse to ecological and social stress...



  • densities depend
  • densities depending
  • density dependent
  • density depending
  • density depends


  • MS Academic Keywords



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