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Angaben zum Begriff

variable > metabolic rate

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

metabolic rate  


  • [Henderson's] a measure of the rate of metabolic activity in a living organism. It is the rate at which an organism uses energy to sustain essential life processes such as respiration, growth, reproduction and, in animals, processes such as blood circulation, muscle tone and activity. It can be determined in numerous ways: (i) as the total heat produced over a given period, (ii) as oxygen consumption (and sometimes also carbon dioxide production) over a given period, which although easier to measure, only gives the contribution of aerobic metabolism, (iii) as the energy content of the food eaten over a given period, and (iv) by the fate of isotopically labelled water. see average daily metabolic rate, basal metabolic rate, energy budget, field metabolic rate, respiratory quotient, resting metabolic rate, standard metabolic rate.



  • MR


  • MS Academic Keyword



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