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oil palm  


  • [Chinedum Nwajiuba] Oil palm (Elais guinensis) is the most important tree crop in the rural economy of the humid\ rainforest of eastern Nigeria. The oil is consumed as household food, used domestically for\ industrial purposes, and was an important foreign exchange earning export... , "[Aykkal Riju] The oil palm is a tropical oil bearing tree. Recently EST-derived SNPs and SSRs are a free\ by-product of the currently expanding EST (Expressed Sequence Tag) data bases. The development of\ high-throughput methods for the detection of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) and small indels\ (insertion / deletion) has led to a revolution in their use as molecular markers. Available (5452)\ Oil palm EST sequences were mined from dbEST of NCBI. CAP3 program was used to assemble EST\ sequences into contigs... , "[DAE-SUNG CHOI] Oil palm is an oil producing tropical plant. While it is the highest yielding oil producing plant,\ it takes three years to yield. Therefore there is an urgent need for controlled production for oil\ palm suspension cells in a bioreactor to support the clonal propagation of elite planting materials.\ The propagation of the cells is affected by various culture conditions... , "[Totik Sri Mariani] Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a plant with highest productivity of oil among others\ oil-producing plants with total product per year is 5-6 ton/ha. Micropropagation of oil palm by\ somatic embryogenesis has several advantages: homogenous plants, higher production of fresh fruit\ bunches and larger amount of high quality seeds in a relatively shorter time...



  • oil palm



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