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entity > process > biogeochemical process > land degradation

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

land degradation  


  • [Brilliant M. Petja] Land degradation is a major concern on matters relating to sustainable agricultural development andlong-term food productivity in Africa. Not withstanding other factors, land degradation in mostAfrican countries has been driven by disparities in land distribution. This has led to aconcentration of people on limited portions of land and the need to address their development needsand issues of food security. The degradation of soil has been further exacerbated by the subsequentincrease in population on marginal lands... , "[Luncendo Ngcofe] Land degradation is a global problem affecting many countries. In South Africa extensive degradation can be related to a history of unjust land policies, which resulted in over-exploitation of the land. According to Hoffman and Todd (Journal of Southern African Studies 26:743Ð758, 2000) the problem is most severe in the communal districts of the Limpopo Province, Eastern Cape, and Northwest Province... , "[D. P. Shrestha] Land degradation is a crucial issue in mountainous areas due to slope steepness. Soil loss caused bysheet erosion and mass movement processes is common in such highly fragile environments. Althoughdeforestation, overgrazing and intensive agriculture, in many cases related to population pressure,cause accelerated erosion, natural phenomena such as exceptional rains or earthquakes also induceerosion. Slope gradient, an important parameter for the assessment of land degradation, can beautomatically generated from elevation data... , "[A. Khamzina] Land degradation is a serious hindrance to agricultural development in Uzbekistan, a countrystriving to rebuild its agricultural sector for self-sustained production. The potential ofmultipurpose trees for upgrading degraded land is enormous. However, knowledge is lacking about theestablishment and growth characteristics of different species, the energy content of firewood andthe nutritive value of fodder. This study presents such data for 10 selected local multipurposespecies grown on gleyic solonchak soil... , "[Hong Ma] Land degradation is a universal problem


  • MS Academic Keywords



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