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Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

entity > material entity > matrix > water > water column

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

water column  


  • A water column is a conceptual column of water from surface to bottom sediments.[1] This concept is used chiefly for environmental studies evaluating the stratification or mixing (e.g., by wind-induced currents) of the thermal or chemically stratified layers in a lake, stream or ocean. The concept of water column is quite important, since many aquatic phenomena are explained by the incomplete vertical mixing of chemical, physical or biological parameters. For example, when studying the metabolism of benthic organisms, it is the specific bottom layer concentration of available chemicals in the water column that is meaningful, rather than the average value of those chemicals throughout the water column.



  • [controlled by ] Alessandro Oggioni 23.05.2013" , "[source of definition ] wikipedia


  • US LTER controlled vocabulary


  • herbert.schentz@umweltbundesamt.at



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