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deprecated concept
- Deprecated concept is a container that contains concepts which are no longer in use. Concepts which are not used anymore or are replaced by another updated terms are moved to deprecated and maintain their link to the following term. By this no broken links are guaranteed throughout the lifetime of the controlled vocabulary./p
- %
- `
- °
- ´
- ‰
- 1/A
- 1/A²
- 1/Cd
- 1/cm³
- 1/K
- 1/kg
- 1/(kg·m²·s·K)
- 1/Kgmol
- 1/m
- 1/m²
- 1/m³
- 1/mol
- 1/Pa
- 1/rad
- 1/s
- 1/s²
- 1/s³
- 1/sr
- 1/T
- 1/V
- A
- A²
- Abampere
- Abcoulomb
- Abcoulomb per square centimeter
- Abfarad
- Abfarad per centimeter
- Abhenry
- abiotic environment
- abiotic heterogeneity
- Abohm
- above ground biomass
- aboveground biomass
- aboveground dry biomass
- aboveground fresh biomass
- aboveground production
- Absiemen
- absorbed dose
- absorbed dose rate
- absorbed photosynthetically active radiation
- absorption coefficient
- Abtesla
- Abtesla
- abundance
- abundance estimate
- abundance of annelida
- abundance of bacteria
- abundance of benthic invertebrates
- abundance of macrofauna
- Abvolt
- Abvolt per Centimeter
- Abvolt Second
- accredited formal LTER site / LTSER platform
- accredited potential LTER site / LTSER platform
- accretion
- accumulation
- acid deposition
- acidity of soil
- acidity of water
- acid neutralizing capacity of water
- acid rain
- acoustic survey
- actinorhizal plants
- Activity
- adaptation
- adaptive evolution
- adaptive phenotypic plasticity
- advection
- aerial imagery
- aerial photograph
- aerial survey
- aerodynamic resistance
- aerosol chemistry
- aerosol cloud interaction
- aerosol dynamics
- age class
- age distribution
- age structure
- aggregate size
- aggregate size distribution
- Agricultural
- agricultural economics
- agricultural intensification
- agricultural land
- agricultural landscape
- agricultural production
- agricultural property
- agriculture
- agri-environmental policy
- agri environmental scheme
- agro-ecosystem
- agroforestry system
- air chemistry
- air humidity
- air measure
- air methane concentration
- air nitrous oxyde concentration
- air parameter
- air pollutant
- air pollution
- air quality
- air sampling
- air specific humidity
- air temperature
- air water vapour concentration
- air water vapour pressure
- albedo
- alfalfa
- algae
- algal bloom
- alien plant
- alien species
- alkalinity
- alkalinity of soil
- allee effect
- allele
- allele frequency
- allometry
- alpha diversity
- alpha diversity
- alpine
- Alpine
- Alpine
- Alpine Bio-geographical Region
- alpine lake
- altitudinal gradient
- aluminum
- A/m
- A/m2
- amazonian rain forest
- amino acid
- ammonia
- ammonia volatilization
- ammonium
- ammonium fertiliser
- amount of actual crop transpiration
- amount of crop transpiration
- amount of diffuse radiation
- amount of direct radiation
- amount of dissolved organic carbon in soil
- amount of mineral nitrogen mineralised from humus
- amount of mineral nitrogen mineralised from organic matter
- amount of nitrate flow in drain
- amount of nitrate leaching
- amount of nitrogen leaching
- amount of nitrogen symbiotic fixation
- amount of nitrogen volatilisation from fertiliser
- amount of nitrogen volatilisation from mineral fertiliser
- amount of nitrogen volatilisation from organic fertiliser
- amount of potential crop transpiration
- amount of pruning biomass
- amount of pruning dry matter
- amount of pruning residue
- amount of substance
- Amount of Substance per Unit Mass
- Amount of Substance Per Unit Volume
- Ampere per radian
- Ampere Turn
- Ampere Turn per Meter
- amphibian decline
- amphibians
- anaerobic bacteria
- analytical tool
- Anatolian
- Anatolian Bio-geographical Region
- Angular Acceleration
- Angular Mass
- Angular Momentum
- Angular Velocity
- animal
- animal behaviour
- animal breeding
- animal communication
- animal husbandry
- animal manure
- animal movement
- animal production
- animal species presence
- animal waste
- anion
- annelids
- annual net primary production
- ANPP (Above-ground Net Primary Production)
- ant colony optimization
- anthropogenic climate change
- anthropogenic environment
- antimony
- ants
- apical dominance
- applicable
- application date and time
- application dose
- application frequency
- aquatic
- aquatic ecosystem
- aquatic fungi
- aquatic habitat
- aquatic hyphomycetes
- aquatic insect
- aquatic invasive species
- aquatic invertebrates
- aquatic macrophyte
- aquatic mesocosm
- aquatic nuisance species
- aquatic organism
- aquatic plant
- aquatic vegetation
- aquatic weed
- arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus
- Arctic
- Arctic Bio-geographical Region
- Area
- Area Angle
- Area Temperature
- Area Thermal Expansion
- arid environment
- arid land
- arid region
- arid zone
- arthropods
- artificial reef
- ascomycetes
- asexual reproduction
- assortative mating
- atlantic
- Atlantic Bio-geographical Region
- atlantic forest
- atlantic rainforest
- atmosphere
- atmosphere stability
- atmospheric boundary layer
- atmospheric carbon dioxide
- atmospheric chemistry
- atmospheric circulation
- atmospheric deposition
- atmospheric general circulation model
- atmospheric measure
- atmospheric parameter
- atmospheric pollution
- atmospheric pressure
- atmospheric process
- AU
- auxin
- available phosphorus
- available water capacity
- B
- bacteria
- bacterial biomass
- bacterial community composition
- bacterial diversity
- bacterial growth
- bacterial growth efficiency
- bacterial infection
- bacterial production
- bacterial resistance
- bacterial respiration
- bacterioplankton
- balance
- bare soil
- bark
- bark
- bark beetle
- barley
- basal metabolic rate
- Base cations deposition
- base cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg) leaching
- base dimension
- base pair
- base saturation
- basidiomycetes
- basin
- bathymetry
- BBCH-scale
- beech forest
- bees
- beetles
- below ground autotrophic respiration
- below ground biomass
- belowground biomass
- belowground dry biomass
- belowground fresh biomass
- benthic boundary layer
- benthic community
- benthic foraminifera
- benthic macroinvertebrate
- benthic zone
- benthos
- beta diversity
- bicarbonate
- biochemical composition
- biodiversity
- biodiversity conservation
- biodiversity hotspot
- biodiversity loss
- biogenic emission
- biogenic volatile organic compound
- biogeochemical cycle
- biogeochemical process
- biogeochemistry
- Bio-geographical Region
- biogeography
- bioindicator
- biological activated carbon
- biological activity
- biological control
- biological diversity
- biological effect
- biological indicator
- biological invasion
- biological marker
- biological measure
- biological monitoring
- biological nitrogen fixation
- biological oxygen demand
- biological parameter
- biological process
- biological property
- biological soil crust
- biological substance
- biological system
- biological treatment
- biological value
- biology
- biomarker
- biomass
- biomass above-ground
- biomass above-ground
- biomass allocation
- biomass below-ground
- biomass below-ground
- biomass burning
- biomass chemistry: base cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg)
- biomass chemistry: Pb, Cd
- biomass chemistry: S, N
- biomass dry
- biomass fresh
- biomass gasification
- biomass growth
- biomass measurement
- biomass moisture content
- biomass production
- biomass ratio
- biomass (storage)
- biosphere
- biotic diversity
- biotic diversity
- biotic diversity within habitat structure
- biotic environment
- biotic homogenization
- biotic interaction
- biotic resistance
- biotope
- bio toxins
- biovolume of bacillariophyceae
- bird egg mass
- bird egg size
- bird egg weight
- bird migration
- birds
- birds of prey
- Black Sea
- Black Sea Bio-geographical Region
- block design
- blood parameter
- blood parasite
- blood plasma
- body fat
- body length
- body mass
- body mass index
- body size
- body temperature
- body weight
- bog
- boreal
- Boreal Bio-geographical Region
- boreal forest
- boron
- bottom sediment
- Bq
- brackish water
- brain evolution
- brain size
- breeding
- breeding biology
- breeding bird
- breeding bird survey
- breeding ground
- breeding season
- breeding success
- breeding system
- brood parasitism
- browsing
- budget
- buffer capacity
- buffer zone
- building
- bulk density
- bulk deposition
- Bulk precipitation
- Buoycous method
- burning
- butterflies
- °C
- C
- cable based
- cadmium
- calcareous soil
- calcium
- calcium amendment
- calibration
- candidate LTER LTER
- canopy aerodynamic resistance
- canopy characteristics
- canopy cover rate
- canopy cover rate
- canopy gap area
- canopy growth rate
- canopy height
- canopy measure
- canopy structure
- canopy temperature
- canopy transpiration
- Capacitance
- capacitance probe
- cape floristic region
- capillary rise
- capture recapture
- carbohydrates
- carbon
- carbon allocation
- carbon assimilation
- carbon balance
- carbon budget
- carbon cycle
- carbon cycling
- carbon dioxide
- carbon dioxide capture
- carbon dioxide concentration
- carbon dioxide emission
- carbon dioxide enrichment
- carbon dioxide flux
- carbon dioxide flux (output)
- carbon dioxide flux per soil horizon
- carbon dioxide production
- carbon dioxide surface flux
- carbon dynamics
- carbon emission
- carbon flux
- carbon harvest index
- carbon metabolism
- carbon mineralization
- carbon monoxide
- carbon sequestration
- carbon sink
- carbon source
- carbon storage
- carbon to nitrogen ratio
- carbon-to-nitrogen ratio
- case study
- Catalytic Activity
- catchment management
- catchment modelling
- catch rates
- cation
- cation exchange capacity
- cattle grazing
- cattle manure
- cavity-nesting bird
- cd
- cd/m2
- cell membrane
- cell proliferation
- cell size
- cellulose
- census
- Centimeter per second
- Centimeter per second squared
- centrifugation
- century
- cesium
- CGS base unit
- CGS derived Unit
- CGS EMU Derived
- CGS ESU Derived
- CGS Unit
- chamber method
- change in population size over time
- Chaparral
- charcoal
- chemical analysis
- chemical characteristics
- chemical composition
- chemical defense
- chemical parameter
- chemical potential
- chemical property
- chemical reaction
- chemical reactor
- chemical substance
- chemical treatment
- chemical weathering
- chemistry
- chloride
- chlorine
- chloroform fumigation extraction
- chlorophyll
- chlorophyll a
- chlorophyll a fluorescence
- chlorophyll fluorescence
- chloroplast DANN
- chromium
- chronosequences
- circumpolar deep water
- citizen participation
- citizen science
- C/kg
- clean air act
- clean water act
- clearcut
- clearcutting
- climate
- climate change
- climate change adaptation
- climate change impact
- climate change mitigation
- climate change policy
- climate change scenario
- climate forecast system
- climate impact
- climate model
- climate monitoring
- climate type
- climatic condition
- climatic factor
- climatology
- clonal diversity
- clonal growth
- clonal plant
- clonal propagation
- clonal reproduction
- clonal selection
- clutch size
- Cm
- cm
- C/m²
- C/m³
- C/N ratio
- C/N ratio of soil
- coarse particulate organic matter
- coarse woody debris
- Coastal
- Coastal
- coastal aquifer
- coastal area
- coastal erosion
- coastal plain
- coastal sage scrub
- coastal upwelling
- coastal water
- coastal zone
- coastal zone management
- Coefficient of Heat Transfer
- coevolution
- cohort effect
- cohort study
- cold stress
- collector
- colonization
- colony forming unit
- community
- community assembly
- community based forest management
- community based natural resource management
- community change
- community composition
- community development
- community dynamics
- community forest management
- community genetics
- community organization
- community pattern
- community respiration
- community structure
- comparative phylogeography
- compensatory growth
- competition
- competitive advantage
- competitive exclusion
- complete randomized design
- complex site
- composition
- concentration of N in seeds
- concentration of N in the entire plant
- conductivity
- conductivity meter
- coniferous forest
- conservation
- conservation biology
- conservation management
- conservation planning
- conservation priority
- conservation status
- conservation strategy
- conservation tillage
- consumers
- contaminated soil
- contamination
- content
- Continental
- Continental Bio-geographical Region
- continental shelf
- control measurement
- convection
- conventional agriculture
- conventional logging
- conventional tillage
- convention on biological diversity
- convergent evolution
- cooperative breeding
- copper
- coral bleaching
- coral reef
- coral reef fish
- corals
- cores
- corine land cover
- cost of reproduction
- Coulomb per meter
- Coulomb per mole
- count
- counting of individuals
- cover
- crabs
- crayfishes
- critical load
- crop
- crop characteristics
- crop measure
- crop model
- crop production
- crop rotation
- crop solute content
- crop solute requirements
- crop surface temperature
- crop temperature
- crop yield
- crown closure
- crown fire
- crustacea
- crustaceans
- cryptic species
- Cubic Centimeter
- Cubic meter per kilogram second squared
- cultural landscape
- cutting
- cutting date
- cutting height
- cylinder sampling
- d
- dairy cattle
- dairy cow
- dairy farm
- dairy manure
- daphnia
- datalogger
- data management
- data portal
- date
- date beginning of grazing period
- date end of grazing period
- date of birth
- date of emergence from dormancy
- date of emergence from dormancy
- date of flowering
- date of germination
- date of senescent stage
- date of start of physiological maturity
- date of start of stem elongation
- daylight length
- db
- dead root
- dead wood
- deadwood
- deadwood decaying rate
- deadwood position
- deadwood volume
- decade
- decay rate
- deciduous forest
- declaration status accredited by LTER Europe
- declaration status requested by site manager
- decomposers
- decomposition
- decomposition: litter
- deep water
- defoliation
- degeneration
- degree day
- delayed response
- demography
- demography
- dendrochronology
- dendrometer
- denitrification
- denitrification potential
- density
- density dependence
- deposition
- Deposition: Base cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg)
- Deposition: Base cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg)
- Deposition Cl-
- Deposition: inorganic anions
- deposition NH4+
- Deposition NO3-
- Deposition O3
- Deposition Pb, Cd
- Deposition pH / H+
- Deposition SO42-
- depth
- depth
- derived dimension
- desert
- Desert
- desertification
- Desertscrub
- detritus
- detritus cycle
- deuterium
- dew point
- diapause
- diatoms
- diet composition
- diet quality
- diet selection
- diffuse photosynthetically active radiation
- diffuse pollution
- diffuse reflectance
- diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
- diffuse short wave radiation
- diffuse solar radiation
- digital elevation model
- digital terrain model
- dilution
- dimension
- dimensionless
- dimensions
- direct sowing
- discharge
- disease
- disking
- disparsal
- dispersal
- dispersal distance
- dispersal limitation
- dispersion
- dissolved inorganic carbon
- dissolved inorganic nitrogen
- dissolved inorganic phosphorus
- dissolved nutrient
- dissolved organic carbon
- dissolved organic carbon in soil
- Dissolved organic carbon in water
- Dissolved organic nitrogen
- dissolved organic phosphorus
- dissolved oxygen
- dissolved reactive phosphorus
- distance
- distribution
- disturbance ecology
- disturbance (event)
- disturbance pattern
- disturbance (process)
- disturbance property
- disturbance regime
- divergent selection
- diversity index
- diversity measure
- DNA barcode
- DNA extraction
- DNA fingerprinting
- DNA fragmentation
- DNA isolation
- DNA marker
- DNA marker
- DNA microarray
- DNA polymorphism
- DNA sequence
- DNA sequence analysis
- DNA synthesis
- domestic animal
- dormancy
- Dose Equivalent
- drainage
- drained water
- drip irrigation
- drought
- drought resistance
- drought stress
- drought tolerance
- dry bulk density
- dry deposition
- dry deposition: filters / passive samplers / denuders
- dry evergreen forest
- dryland salinity
- dry mass
- dry matter content
- dry matter production
- dry matter yield
- dry period
- dry residue at 105 degree C
- dry season
- dry tropical forest
- dry weight
- dune
- duplicated concepts
- duration of sunshine
- Dynamic chamber design
- Dynamic Viscosity
- Dyne
- Dyne centimeter
- Dyne per square centimeter
- earth observing system
- earth worms abundance
- ecological engineering
- ecological footprint
- ecological impact
- ecological indicator
- ecological integrity
- ecological modelling
- ecological network
- ecological niche
- ecological restoration
- ecological risk
- ecological risk assessment
- ecology
- economic valuation
- economic value
- ecophysiology
- ecosystem
- ecosystem approach
- ecosystem diversity
- ecosystem ecology
- ecosystem engineer
- ecosystem function
- ecosystem health
- ecosystem (MAES)
- ecosystem management
- ecosystem measure
- ecosystem model
- ecosystem monitoring
- ecosystem process
- ecosystem property
- ecosystem respiration
- ecosystem restoration
- ecosystem service
- ecosystem structure
- ecotoxicology
- ecotron
- ectomycorrhiza
- eddy covariance
- effective population size
- Eh
- Electrical Conductivity
- electrical conductivity
- Electric Charge
- Electric Charge Line Density
- Electric Charge per Amount of Substance
- Electric Charge Volume Density
- electric conductivity
- electric current
- Electric Current Density
- Electric Current per Angle
- Electric Dipole Moment
- electric exclusion
- Electric Field Strength
- Electric Flux Density
- Electromotive Force
- element and compound
- elementary particle
- elevated temperature
- elevation
- elevation gradient
- El Nino
- elongation
- emergence
- emerging site
- emission
- emission rate
- endangered species
- endangered species act
- endemic species
- endophytic fungus
- Energy and Work
- energy budget
- energy crop
- Energy Density
- energy_efficiency measure
- energy flux
- energy_input
- energy intake
- energy_output
- Energy per Unit Area
- energy storage
- energy_storage
- environmental accounting
- environmental analysis
- environmental assessment
- environmental awareness
- environmental change
- environmental chemistry
- environmental contaminant
- environmental control
- environmental cost
- environmental degradation
- environmental engineering
- environmental epidemiology
- environmental ethics
- environmental gradient
- environmental hazard
- environmental health
- environmental heterogeneity
- environmental impact
- environmental impact assessment
- environmental indicator
- environmental monitoring
- environmental monitoring and assessment program
- environmental parameter
- environmental parameter
- environmental planning
- environmental policy
- environmental pollutant
- environmental pollution
- environmental protection
- environmental protection agency
- environmental quality
- environmental restoration
- environmental risk
- environmental risk assessment
- environmental risk factor
- environmental stress
- environmental sustainability
- environmental valuation
- environmental value
- enzyme activity
- enzyme assay
- Erg
- Erg per cubic centimeter
- Erg per second
- Erg per square centimeter second
- Erg second
- erosion
- erosion control
- estimation
- estuarine
- estuary
- eV
- evaporation (process)
- evapotranspiration
- evergreen forest
- evolution
- evolutionarily stable strategy
- exchangeable cations
- exotic plant
- exotic species
- ExpeER site classification
- experimental design type
- experimental device
- experimental measure
- experimental property
- experimental research
- experimental study
- experimental treatment
- exploratory study
- Exposure
- exposure assessment
- extensive site
- extinction
- extinction risk
- extreme event
- °F
- F
- fauna
- faunistic diversity
- ferns
- fertilization
- fertilizer
- fertilizer application
- fertilizer application date
- fertilizer application dose
- fertilizer application frequency
- fertilizer application method
- field experiment
- field measurement
- field method
- field preparation
- field study
- field survey
- fine root
- Finland_conductivity
- fire
- fire ecology
- fire frequency
- fire history
- fire regime
- fire resistance
- fire severity
- fish
- fishes
- fixation
- flood
- flood control
- flooded irrigation
- flood management
- floodplain
- floodplain forest
- floristic composition
- floristic diversity
- flower
- flowering
- flowering phenology
- flowering time
- fluorescence
- fluorescence active
- fluorescence passive
- fluoride
- fluorine
- flux
- F/m
- foliage
- food chain
- food chain length
- food safety
- food security
- food security
- food web
- food web structure
- foraging behavior
- forbs
- Force
- Force per Electric Charge
- Force per Unit Length
- forest
- forest
- forest biomass
- forest bird
- forest canopy
- forest conservation
- forest cover
- forest decline
- forest degradation
- forest disturbance
- forest dynamics
- forest ecology
- forest ecosystem
- forest edge
- forest fire
- forest floor
- forest fragment
- forest growth
- forest harvesting
- forest health
- forest hydrology
- forest inventory
- forest management
- forest plantation
- forest regeneration
- forest restoration
- forest soil
- forest structure
- forest succession
- fossil record
- fossil wood
- founder effect
- frame method
- frequency
- fresh biomass
- freshwater
- freshwater
- fresh water lake
- fresh water lake
- fresh water river
- fresh water river
- fresh weight
- frost
- frosting
- fruit
- functional classification
- functional diversity
- functional type
- fungal biomass
- fungal diversity
- fungi
- fungicide
- g/100mL
- gallery forest
- game theory
- gap
- gas
- gas flux
- gastropods
- gauging station
- Gauss
- gene diversity
- gene diversity
- gene expression
- gene flow
- gene mutation
- gene polymorphism
- gene polymorphism
- generalist predator
- generation time
- gene regulation
- gene structure
- genetic distance
- genetic drift
- genetic marker
- genetic measure
- genetic polymorphism
- genetic population structure
- genetic resource
- genetics
- genetic selection
- genetic similarity
- genetic susceptibility
- genetic variance
- gene transfer
- genotype
- genotypic diversity
- genotypic variation
- geographical mapping
- geographic distribution
- geographic information system
- geographic property
- geographic range
- geography
- geological process
- geology
- geomorphology
- germination
- g/(ha·yr)
- GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Fluxes
- GHz
- Gilbert
- glacial refugia
- global carbon cycle
- global change
- global circulation model
- global climate change
- global environmental change
- global positioning system
- global radiation
- g/m²
- g/(m²·d)
- g/m³
- grain size
- grain weight
- Gram
- grasses
- grasshoppers
- grassland
- grassland
- grassland bird
- Grasslands
- gravimetric method for soil water content
- Gravitational Attraction
- grazing
- grazing pressure
- green alga
- Greeness index
- green house
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gas
- green leaf
- gross primary production
- ground surface temperature
- ground temperature
- groundwater
- groundwater contamination
- groundwater flow
- ground water level
- groundwater permeability
- groundwater pollution
- Ground water recharge
- groundwater recharge
- growing season
- growth
- growth
- growth curve
- growth factor
- Gy
- Gy/s
- H
- h
- ha
- habitat
- habitat
- habitat change
- habitat complexity
- habitat degradation
- habitat disturbance
- habitat fragmentation
- habitat heterogeneity
- habitat loss
- habitat management
- habitat mapping
- habitat measure
- habitat preference
- habitat quality
- habitat restoration
- habitat selection
- habitat structure
- habitat suitability
- habitat use
- harrowing
- harvest
- harvested aboveground production
- harvesting
- harvesting date
- Heat Capacity and Entropy
- heat flow
- Heat Flow Rate
- Heat Flow Rate per Unit Area
- heat flux
- heat flux
- Heavy metal deposition
- height
- Hemispherical photography
- herbicide
- herbivores
- herbivory
- herbs
- heterotrophic bacteria
- heterotrophic respiration
- Highly Instrumented Observational and Experimental Site HIOS/HIES
- Highly Instrumented Observational Site HIOS
- hillslope
- history
- H/m
- holocene
- home range
- host-parasite coevolution
- host-parasite interaction
- host plant
- host preference
- host range
- host resistance
- host specificity
- hoverflies
- human disturbance
- humans
- humic soil
- humidity
- hurricane
- hurricane damage
- hydraulic conductance
- hydrogen ion
- hydrography
- hydrological property
- hydrologic process
- hydrology
- hydrosphere
- hyporheic
- hyporheic zone
- Hz
- ice
- Illuminance
- image analysis
- imagery
- inclusive fitness
- incoming radiation
- incubation
- indicator species
- Inductance
- infiltration
- infrared camera
- inorganic carbon content
- inorganic compound
- inorganic matter
- inorganic nitrogen
- inorganic nitrogen content
- inorganic nutrient
- inorganic phosphorus
- insect herbivory
- insectide
- insect pest
- insects
- insoluble organic carbon
- interception
- intercropping
- intermediate disturbance hypothesis
- interspecific competition
- interspecific variation
- interview
- intraguild predation
- intraspecific competition
- intraspecific variation
- introduced species
- invasion biology
- invasive alien species
- invasive plant
- invasive species
- inventory
- Inverse Amount of Substance
- Inverse Permittivity
- invertebrates
- ion
- ionic balance
- iron
- irradiance
- irrigated agriculture
- irrigation
- irrigation
- irrigation date
- irrigation dose
- island biogeography
- isolation
- isolation by distance
- isotope
- isotope
- isotopes measurement
- iucn red list
- J
- J/K
- J/kg
- J/(kg·K)
- J/m²
- J/m³
- J/m³K
- J/mol
- J/(mol·K)
- Joule per kilogram kelvin per cubic meter
- Joule per kilogram kelvin per pascal
- J/s
- J·s
- J/T
- K
- kat
- kat/m³
- Kelvin per watt
- keystone species
- kg
- kg/(ha·yr)
- kg/kg
- kg/m²
- kg/m³
- kg·m/s
- kg/rad·s
- kHz
- Kilogram kelvin
- Kilogram Meter Squared
- Kilogram per meter
- Kilogram per second
- Kinematic Viscosity
- K/m
- km
- km/h
- L
- laboratory method
- lagoons, coastal wetlands and estuaries
- LAI (Leaf Area Index)
- LAI meter
- lake
- lake
- lake level
- lake sediment
- land cover
- land cover change
- land cover classification
- land cover mapping
- land degradation
- landsat
- landscape
- landscape change
- landscape composition
- landscape configuration
- landscape connectivity
- landscape cover
- landscape dynamic
- landscape ecology
- landscape evolution
- landscape fragmentation
- landscape fragmentation
- landscape genetics
- landscape heterogeneity
- landscape measure
- landscape pattern
- landscape structure
- land surface temperature
- land use
- land use change
- land use history
- land use intensity
- land use pattern
- larvae
- larval development
- larval dispersal
- Laser-Doppler
- latent heat
- latitudinal diversity gradient
- latitudinal gradient
- layer
- Layer photographs
- leaching
- lead
- leaf
- leaf age
- leaf area
- leaf area index
- leaf area ratio
- leaf decomposition
- leaf growth
- leaf litter
- leaf litter decomposition
- leaf longevity
- leaf morphology
- leaf nitrogen concentration
- leaf nutrient
- leaf senescence
- leaf size
- leaf trait measure
- length
- length
- Length Mass
- Length Temperature
- leucine
- lichens
- life cycle
- life form
- life history
- life history characteristic
- life history evolution
- life history strategy
- life history theory
- life history trade-off
- life history trait
- life span
- light
- lightning
- limnology
- Linear Acceleration
- Linear Momentum
- Linear Thermal Expansion
- Linear Velocity
- line transect
- linked data service
- List_37
- litter
- litterbags
- litter decomposition
- litterfall
- litter size
- litter trap
- live root
- liverworts
- livestock grazing
- lizards
- lm
- local adaptation
- local extinction
- log
- long distance dispersal
- longitude
- long term
- long term ecological monitoring
- long term ecological research
- long term monitoring
- long wave radiation
- lowland rain forest
- LTER Europe site classification
- LTER Europe site type
- LTER site
- LTER site declaration status
- Luminance
- Luminous Flux
- luminous intensity
- lx
- lysimeter
- M
- m
- m-1
- m²
- m²/s
- m²/s²
- m³
- m³/K
- m³/kg
- m³/m³
- m³/s
- mA
- Macaronesia
- Macaronesian Bio-geographical Region
- macroalgae
- macrofauna
- macroinvertebrates
- macrophytobenthos
- macroplankton
- macropores saturated water content
- magnesium
- magnesium fertiliser
- Magnetic Dipole Moment
- Magnetic Field Strength
- Magnetic Flux
- Magnetic Flux Density
- Magnetomotive Force
- maize
- male fertility
- male fitness
- male reproductive success
- mammals
- management of crop residues
- management practice
- manganese
- mangrove
- mangrove forest
- manual meter reading
- manure fertilisation
- mapping
- Marine
- marine
- marine
- marine algae
- Marine Atlantic Region
- marine bacteria
- Marine Baltic Region
- marine biodiversity
- marine ecosystem
- marine environment
- marine fish
- marine invertebrate
- Marine Macaronesian Region
- marine mammal
- Marine Mediterranean Region
- marine pollution
- marine protected area
- Marine Region Black Sea
- marine reserve
- marine sediment
- marine system
- marine turtle
- marsh
- mass
- mass balance
- mass extinction
- Mass per Time
- Mass per Unit Area
- Mass per Unit Length
- Mass Temperature
- master site
- mate choice
- maternal effect
- mating system
- Matrix potential
- matter budget
- matter_efficiency measure
- matter input
- matter output
- matter storage
- maturity stage
- maximum temperature
- Maxwell
- meadow
- mean annual air temperature
- mean annual precipitation
- mean annual temperature
- measure
- measurement infrastructure
- medicinal plant
- medieval warm period
- Mediterranean
- mediterranean basin
- Mediterranean Bio-geographical Region
- mediterranean climate
- mediterranean ecosystem
- mediterranean region
- mesic soil
- meta analysis
- metabolic rate
- metabolism
- metamodel
- metapopulation dynamics
- metapopulation model
- meteorology
- Meter kelvin
- Meter Kelvin per watt
- Meter kilogram
- Meter per farad
- methane
- methane concentration
- methane flux
- method
- methods
- metrics
- mg
- mg/cm³
- mg/kg
- mg/l
- mg/m²
- mg/(m²·d)
- mg/m³
- mg/mm³
- MHz
- microarthropods
- microbes
- microbial activity
- microbial biomass
- microbial biomass carbon
- microbial community
- microbial community composition
- microbial community structure
- microbial diversity
- microbial food web
- microbial growth
- microbial respiration
- microbiology
- microcosm
- microhabitat type
- micronutrient fertiliser
- microorganism
- microphytobenthos (marine)
- microsatellite DNA
- microsatellite loci
- microsatellite marker
- migratory birds
- milk production
- millenium
- millennium ecosystem assessment
- min
- mineral fertilisation
- mineralisation of soil organic residue
- mineralization
- minimum temperature
- minimum tillage
- minimum viable population
- minke whale
- Miokm²
- Miokm³
- mites
- mitochondrial DNA
- mixed conifer forest
- mixed crop
- mixed forest
- m/K
- mm
- mmol
- mmol/kg
- mmol/m³
- mobile sensor
- model
- model evaluation
- model fitting
- modeling
- modeling
- model input
- modelling
- modelling platform
- model output
- model parameter
- model performance
- model simulation
- model system
- model validation
- moisture sensor
- mol
- Molar Energy
- Molar Heat Capacity
- molecular biology
- molecular ecology
- molecular evolution
- molecular genetics
- molecular marker
- molecular systematics
- molecular taxonomy
- Mole kelvin
- mol/kg
- molluscs
- mollusks
- mollusks
- mol/m³
- mol/mol
- monitoring
- monitoring system
- montane
- montane forest
- month
- moorings
- moose
- morphological trait
- mortality
- mortality rate
- mortality risk
- mosquito control
- mosses
- mountain lake
- movement pattern
- mowing
- mowing date
- mowing number
- m/s
- m/s²
- mSv
- mud - needs revision
- mulch
- mutation
- mutation rate
- mV
- mW
- mycorrhizae
- mycorrhizal fungi
- N
- n2 fixation
- national forest inventory
- national park
- native plant
- native tree species
- natural capital
- natural hazard
- natural history
- naturalness
- natural selection
- nature conservation
- nature reserve
- NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)
- near infrared spectroscopy
- neighbour joining
- nekton
- nematicide
- nematodes
- nest predation
- nest site
- nest success
- net assimilation rate
- net community production
- net ecosystem exchange
- net ecosystem production
- net far infrared radiation
- net long wave radiation
- net photosynthesis
- net photosynthetic rate
- net primary production
- net primary productivity
- net primary productivity npp
- net radiation
- net short wave radiation
- net solar radiation
- network analysis
- network structure
- neutral theory
- neutron probe
- Newton per coulomb
- Newton per kilogram
- niche breadth
- niche differentiation
- niche overlap
- niche partitioning
- nickel
- nile perch
- nile tilapia
- nitrate
- nitrate fertiliser
- nitrate leaching
- nitrate reduction
- nitrate uptake
- nitric acid
- nitric nitrogen
- nitrification
- nitrification
- nitrite
- nitrite nitrogen
- nitrogen
- nitrogen-15
- nitrogen-15 method
- nitrogen added by crop residue
- nitrogen added by mineral fertilizer
- nitrogen added by organic and mineral fertilizer
- nitrogen added by organic fertiliser
- nitrogen availability
- nitrogen balance
- nitrogen budget
- nitrogen compounds
- nitrogen content
- nitrogen cycle
- nitrogen cycling
- nitrogen deposition
- nitrogen dioxide
- nitrogen dioxide flux
- nitrogen exportation from crop
- nitrogen fertilisation
- nitrogen fertilisation by atmospheric deposition
- nitrogen fertilisation by irrigation
- nitrogen fertilisation from rainfall
- nitrogen fertiliser
- nitrogen fixation
- nitrogen harvest index
- nitrogen immobilisation
- nitrogen immobilised by soil microbial biomass
- nitrogen isotopes
- nitrogen leaching
- nitrogen limitation
- nitrogen measure
- nitrogen metabolism
- nitrogen mineralization
- nitrogen mineralization of soil organic matter
- nitrogen nitrified in soil
- nitrogen organication
- nitrogen organised from fertilizer
- nitrogen phosphorus fertiliser
- nitrogen removal
- nitrogen retention
- nitrogen saturation
- nitrogen stress
- nitrogen use efficiency
- nitrogen wet deposition
- nitrogen wet deposition Copy
- nitrophosphate
- nitrous oxide
- nitrous oxide flux
- nitrous oxyde emission
- N/m
- N·m
- nm
- non-contact T sensor
- normalised difference vegetation index
- normalized vegetation index
- north atlantic oscillation
- northern hardwood forest
- northern hardwoods
- north pacific oscillation
- norway spruce
- not harvested aboveground production
- NOx concentration
- Np
- NPK fertiliser
- NPP (Net Primary Production)
- nU
- nuclear dna
- nucleic acid
- nutrient
- nutrient availability
- nutrient concentration
- nutrient content
- nutrient cycle
- nutrient cycling
- nutrient dynamics
- nutrient enrichment
- nutrient flux
- nutrient limitation
- nutrient loss
- nutrient removal
- nutrient solution
- nutrient uptake
- nutritional status
- O
- oak forest
- oak savanna
- observational study
- ocean
- ocean acidification
- ocean circulation
- ocean current
- ocean general circulation model
- oceanography
- Oersted
- Oersted centimeter
- oil palm
- oil pollution
- oilseed rape
- old growth forest
- old-growth forest
- old-growth forest
- old world
- Om
- on-line monitoring
- online survey
- on-site sensor
- open access
- open field
- open source
- open top chamber
- operational taxonomic unit
- organic agriculture
- organic agriculture
- organic carbon
- organic compound
- organic farming
- organic fertilisation
- organic fertilizer
- organic layer
- organic matter
- organic matter decomposition
- organic matter pool
- organic nitrogen
- organic phosphorus
- organic soil
- organisation for economic cooperation and development
- organism classification
- organizational unit
- osmotic pressure
- osmotic stress
- other data service
- other data storage format
- other data transmission
- outcrossing rate
- oxidative damage
- oxidative dna damage
- oxidative metabolism
- oxygen
- oxygen consumption
- oxygen isotope
- oxygen saturation
- oxygen saturation
- oxygen transfer
- oxygen uptake
- oxygen uptake rate
- ozone
- ozone concentration
- Pa
- pacific decadal oscillation
- paleoecology
- paleolimnology
- Pannonian
- Pannonian Bio-geographical Region
- paper
- parameter
- parasitism
- parasitoid wasp
- PAR (Photosynthetic Active Radiation)
- PAR (Photosynthetic Active Radiation)
- PAR sensor
- participatory approach
- particle deposition
- particulate carbon
- particulate organic carbon
- particulate phosphorus
- part of plant
- Pa/s
- Pa·s
- passive monitoring
- patch density
- patch dynamics
- patchiness
- patch size
- peat bog
- peatland
- peat soil
- peat swamp forest
- pedosphere
- percent carbon
- percent nitrogen
- percent organic carbon
- perched water table
- perched water table depth
- perched water table thickness
- perennial grass
- periphyton
- permafrost
- permanent grassland
- permanent plots
- permanent sample plot
- Permeability
- Permittivity
- persistent organic pollutants
- pest
- pest control
- pesticide
- pesticide application
- pesticide application date
- pesticide residues
- pest management
- ph
- phaeophytin
- phaeopigment
- phenological cycle
- phenological measure
- phenological stage
- phenology
- phenotypic plasticity
- phenotypic variation
- pheromone
- pH-meter
- phododiode sensor
- phosphate
- phosphorus
- phosphorus forms
- phosphorus fractionation
- phosporus fertiliser
- Photochemical Reflectance Index
- photometer
- photosynthesis
- photosynthetically active radiation
- photosynthetic rate
- pH value
- phylogenetically independent contrasts
- phylogenetic analysis
- phylogenetic diversity
- phylogenetic relationship
- phylogenetic tree
- physical measure
- physical parameter
- physical process
- physical property
- physics
- physiological process
- physiological response
- physiology
- phytoplankton
- phytotron
- piezometer
- pine forest
- pitfall traps
- Plane Angle
- planetary boundary layer
- plankton
- plant
- plant-animal interaction
- plant biomass
- plant breeding
- plant carbon concentration
- plant community
- plant community
- plant competition
- plant cover
- plant defense
- plant demography
- plant density
- plant development stage
- plant disease
- plant distribution
- plant diversity
- plant ecology
- plant evolution
- plant functional type
- plant growth
- plant growth rate
- plant height
- plant-herbivore interaction
- plant interaction
- plant invasion
- plant macrofossil
- plant morphology
- plant nitrogen concentration
- plant nitrogen uptake
- plant nutrient
- plant nutrition
- plant part chemical composition
- plant pathogen
- plant phenology
- plant physiology
- plant population
- plant production
- plant protection
- plant reproduction
- plant size
- plant species
- plant species composition
- plant species diversity
- plant species richness
- plant succession
- plant trait
- plant transpiration
- plasmid dna
- playa
- pleistocene glaciation
- ploidy level
- plot within a site
- ploughing
- point frame method
- point intercept method
- point source
- point transect
- Poise
- pollen
- pollen analysis
- pollen dispersal
- pollen limitation
- pollutant
- pollution
- pond
- population
- population and community property
- population biology
- population cycles
- population decline
- population density
- population dynamics
- population genetics
- population size
- population structure
- population viability
- population viability analysis
- pore size
- pore size distribution
- pore structure
- pore water
- pore water content
- porometer
- porosity
- potassium
- potassium fertiliser
- potatoe
- potential
- potential evaporation
- Potential Evapotranspiration (PET)
- potential LTER LTER
- potential nitrogen mineralization
- Power
- Power per Angle
- Power per Area Angle
- Power per Unit Area
- ppb
- ppbv
- ppm
- ppmv
- ppt
- pptv
- precautionary principle
- precipitation intensity
- precipitation measure
- Precipitation Stemflow
- Precipitation Throughfall
- predation
- predation risk
- predator control
- predator-prey interaction
- predator-prey system
- predators
- prescribed fire
- presence of annelida
- presence of bryophytes
- present weather sensor
- pressure
- pressure head
- Pressure or Stress
- prey availability
- prey capture
- prey selection
- primary production
- primary productivity
- primary productivity of ecosystem
- primary succession
- probe
- process
- process based model
- production
- production: leaf litter
- productivity
- proprietary file format
- protected area
- protected area management
- protocol
- protozoa
- proxy
- pruning
- pruning measure
- pruning operation date
- pyranometer
- rabbits
- rad
- radiation below canopy
- radiation below canopy intensity
- radiation direct
- radiation measure
- Radiation (net)
- radiocarbon dating
- radiometer
- radio transmission
- radio transmission system (repeaters, receivers, centralstation)
- rad/s
- rad/s2
- rain
- rainfall chemical analysis
- rainfall variability
- rain forest
- rainforest
- rain gauge
- randomized block design
- range expansion
- range shift
- range size
- rapeseed
- rare species
- rate
- ratio
- realisation
- recovery
- recruitment
- redox
- red queen hypothesis
- reflectance
- reflected global radiation
- reflected radiation
- regeneration
- regime change
- regime shift
- regional climate change
- regional climate model
- Regional seas_Arctic Ocean
- Regional seas_Baltic Sea
- Regional seas_Black Sea
- Regional seas_Caspian Sea
- Regional seas_Mediterranean Sea
- Regional seas_North-east Atlantic Ocean
- Regional seas_North Sea
- regular site
- relational database
- relative abundance
- relative growth rate
- relative humidity
- Relative permeability
- Relative permittivity
- remote sensing
- remote sensing data
- remote sensing image
- remote sensing parameter
- removal experiment
- Removal: grazing
- Removal. harvesting
- Removal: leaching
- repeated measures
- reproduction
- reproductive isolation
- reproductive success
- reptiles
- research focus
- research topic
- residual
- residual water content
- resistance
- resistivity meter
- resource allocation
- resource availability
- resource limitation
- resource use
- respiration
- respiration
- respiration potential
- respiration rate
- response rate
- restoration
- restoration ecology
- retention time
- revegetation
- rhizosphere
- rhizotron
- ridge tillage
- riparian
- riparian buffer
- riparian forest
- riparian habitat
- riparian vegetation
- riparian zone
- risk analysis
- risk assessment
- river
- river
- river basin
- river discharge
- river restoration
- rivers and lakes
- RNA extraction
- roads
- root
- root biomass
- root decomposition
- root density
- root dry weight
- root growth
- root length
- root respiration
- rotation
- rotifers
- running water
- runoff
- run off discharge
- rural area
- S
- s
- s²
- salamanders
- salt marsh
- salt stress
- salt tolerance
- sample design
- sample size
- sampling date and time
- sampling effect
- sampling method
- sampling strategy
- sampling volume
- sand
- sand dune
- sandy soil
- sap flow
- sapwood area
- satellite
- satellite imagery
- saturated hydraulic conductivity
- saturated water content
- saturation extract method
- Savanna
- scale dependence
- scaling up
- scattering
- scientific activity
- sea ice extent
- sea level
- sea level change
- sea level rise
- season
- seasonal change
- seasonal cycle
- seasonal dynamics
- seasonality
- seasonal variability
- seasonal variation
- sea surface temperature
- seawater
- secchi depth
- secondary forest
- secondary succession
- sediment
- sediment
- sediment
- sedimentation
- sedimentation rate
- sediment budget
- sediment organic matter
- sediment oxygen demand
- sediment (texture, redox, nutrients etc.)
- sediment transport
- sediment traps
- seed
- seed bank
- seed dispersal
- seed dormancy
- seed germination
- seed limitation
- seedling
- seedling emergence
- seedling establishment
- seedling growth
- seedling recruitment
- seedling survival rate
- seed longevity
- seed mass
- seed predation
- seed production
- seed quality
- seed rain
- seed set
- seed size
- seed viability
- seed weight
- seed yield
- self incompatible
- self organization
- semiarid region
- senescence
- sensor network
- Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)
- seston
- sex ratio
- sexual dimorphism
- sexual reproduction
- sexual selection
- sexual size dimorphism
- shade tolerance
- shallow lake
- shallow water
- shoot dry weight
- shoot growth rate
- shoot ratio
- short wave radiation
- shrews
- shrubs
- SI base units
- SI derived units
- sight depth
- silica
- silicon
- silt
- silviculture research
- simple site
- simulation
- site classification
- SI units
- S/kg
- sky temperature
- slugs
- S/m
- small mammals
- snails
- snow
- snow accumulation
- snow cover
- snow depth
- snow depth
- snowfences
- Snow height
- snow height sensor
- snow temperature
- snow thickness
- snow water equivalent
- SO2 concentration
- social ecological system
- social insect
- sodium
- soil acidity
- soil bacteria
- soil base saturation
- soil base saturation
- soil biological measure
- soil bulk density
- soil carbon
- soil carbon dioxyde emission from residues
- soil carbon dioxyde flux
- soil carbon storage
- soil characteristics
- soil chemical characteristics (pH, CEC, EC, C and N content, …)
- soil chemistry
- soil classification
- soil contamination (N deposition, ash deposition, heavy metal, …, specify)
- soil degradation
- soil depth
- soil disturbance
- soil dry bulk density
- soil ecology
- soil erosion
- soil evaporation
- soil fauna
- soil fertility
- soil flux
- soil food web
- soil fungi
- soil gas concentration
- soil gas flux
- soil gravimetric water content
- soil heat flux
- soil horizons
- soil hydraulic measure
- soil hydraulic measure
- soil immobile water content
- soil matrix water potential
- soil matrix water pressure head
- soil measure
- soil microarthropods
- soil microbial diversity
- soil microbial ecology
- soil microcosm
- soil microorganism
- soil mobile water content
- soil moisture
- soil moisture content
- soil moisture probe
- soil moisture sensor
- soil nitrate flow
- soil nitrogen
- soil nutrient
- soil organic carbon
- soil organic matter
- soil organic residual
- soil osmotic potential
- soil parameter
- soil particle size
- soil pH
- soil physics
- soil pore measure
- soil pore structure
- soil porosity
- soil profile water content
- soil property
- soil residual
- soil respiration
- soil salinity
- soil saturation
- soil saturation index
- soil solute
- soil solute amount
- soil solute sorbed content
- soil solution chemistry
- Soil solution chemistry: pH, Base cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg), inorganic anions (SO42-, NO3-, Cl-), heavy metals (Pb, Cd)
- soil solution concentration
- soil solution eH
- soil solution measure
- soil solution pH
- soil solution pH
- Soil solution sampling and measurements: DOC, DON, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl…(specify)
- soil suction
- soil survey (FAO)
- soil temperature
- soil temperature sensor
- soil texture
- soil volumetric water content
- soil warming
- soil water
- soil water content
- soil water content in the root zone
- soil water holding capacity
- soil water potential
- soil water retention
- soil water retention curve
- soil wilting point
- solar radiation
- Solid Angle
- soluble reactive phosphorus
- solute
- solution
- sowing
- sowing date
- sowing density
- sowing measure
- soybean
- SPARQL endpoint
- spatial and temporal variation
- spatial autocorrelation
- spatial configuration
- spatial database (GIS)
- spatial data file (GIS)
- spatial distribution
- spatial dynamic
- spatial ecology
- spatial method
- spatial pattern
- spatial property
- spatial scale
- spatial structure
- spatial variability
- spatial variation
- speciation
- species
- species abundance
- species-area curve
- species area relationship
- species composition
- species conservation
- species diversity
- species interactions
- species invasion
- species list
- species list
- species loss
- species presence
- species richness
- species trait
- species turnover
- specific conductivity
- Specific Energy
- Specific Heat Capacity
- Specific Heat Pressure
- Specific Heat Volume
- specific leaf area
- sphere
- spiders
- spores
- sprinkler irrigation
- Square centimeter
- Square centimeter second
- Square meter kelvin
- Square meter Kelvin per watt
- Square meter per kelvin
- Square meter steradian
- sr
- stable isotope
- stage height
- stand density
- standing crop
- stand structure
- Statampere
- Statcoulomb
- Statcoulomb per square centimeter
- Statfarad
- Stathenry
- Stathenry per centimeter
- static chamber design
- Statohm
- Statvolt
- Statvolt per centimeter
- steady state
- stem
- stem
- Steppic
- Steppic Bio-geographical Region
- stocking rate
- Stomatal conductance
- storm
- stratification
- stratified random sampling
- stratified sampling
- stream
- stream discharge
- streamflow
- stream order
- stress response
- stress tolerance
- strontium
- structured file or spreadsheet
- submerged macrophyte
- subsidence
- sub site
- substance
- substrate
- succession
- successional dynamics
- suction cup
- sugarbeet
- sulfate
- sulfide
- sulfur
- sulfur hexafluoride
- sunflower
- surface air temperature
- surface area
- surface elevation table
- surface layer
- surface runoff
- surface sediment
- survey
- surveys
- survival
- survival probability
- survival rate
- survivorship
- suspended particulate matter
- suspended sediment
- suspended solids
- sustainable agriculture
- sustainable development
- sustainable forest management
- sustainable forestry
- sustainable land use
- Sv
- symbiosis
- sympatric speciation
- system classification
- t
- T
- taiga
- taxon
- taxonomy
- teleost fish
- telephone line
- temperate forest
- temperate rainforest
- temperature
- temperature
- Temperature Amount of Substance
- temperature sensor
- temporal change
- temporal dynamics
- temporal pattern
- temporal property
- temporal resolution
- temporal scale
- temporal trend
- temporal variability
- temporal variation
- temporary grassland
- tensiometer
- tension lysimeter
- termites
- Terrestrial
- terrestrial
- terrestrial
- terrestrial ecosystem
- territory mapping
- thaw depth
- Thermal Conductivity
- Thermal Diffusivity
- Thermal Insulance
- Thermal Resistance
- Thermal Resistivity
- thermocouple
- thermometer
- thickness
- thickness of soil horizon
- thinning
- threatened species
- throughfall
- Thrust to Mass Ratio
- THz
- tidal current
- tidal flat
- tide
- tillage
- tillage depth
- tillage measure
- tillage operation date
- tillage operation order number
- tillage operation type
- timber harvest
- time
- time domain reflectometer
- time domain reflectometry
- time series
- Time Squared
- timestamp
- tipping-bucket gauge
- topography
- Torque
- total acidity
- total alkalinity
- total carbon
- total dissolved nitrogen
- total dissolved phosphorus
- total inorganic carbon
- total inorganic nitrogen
- total kjeldahl nitrogen
- total nitrogen
- total organic carbon
- total organic matter
- total organic nitrogen
- total phosphorus
- total radiation
- total sulfur
- tracers
- transect (line intercept sampling)
- transects
- transgenic plant
- translocation
- transmittivity
- transpiration
- transpiration rate
- trapping
- treatment description
- treatment name
- treatment objective
- tree
- tree age
- tree basal area
- tree condition
- tree diameter
- tree diameter at breast height
- tree distribution
- tree growth
- tree height
- treeline
- tree measure
- tree mortality
- tree rings
- trees breast height diameter
- tree species
- triple store
- trophic dynamics
- trophic interaction
- trophic level
- trophic structure
- tropical climate
- tropical deciduous forest
- tropical deforestation
- tropical dry forest
- tropical forest
- tropical montane forest
- tropical rain forest
- tropical soil
- tropical trees
- tropical wet forest
- troposphere
- trout
- tundra
- Tundra
- turnover
- u
- ua
- ultraviolet light
- ultraviolet radiation
- understory vegetation
- ungulates
- unit
- unit
- united nations
- united nations environment programme
- united nations framework convention on climate change
- unit for time
- unitless
- unitless
- units ouside SI
- Unity
- unstructured concept
- unstructured file
- unstructured parameters
- urban
- urban ecology
- urban ecosystem
- use
- UV radiation
- V
- vapor pressure
- vapor pressure deficit
- vascular plant
- vascular plant species
- vegetation
- vegetation change
- vegetation cover
- vegetation dynamics
- vegetation history
- vegetation layer composition
- vegetation layer structure
- vegetation layer type
- vegetation mapping
- vegetation pattern
- vegetation relevé
- vegetation relevée
- vegetation relevée
- vegetation structure
- vegetation survey
- vegetation type
- vegetative growth
- Venturi flume
- vertebrates
- V/m
- V-notch weir
- Volume
- volume
- Volume per Unit Time
- volumeRatio
- Volume Thermal Expansion
- Volumetric heat capacity
- W
- water
- water balance
- water body morphology
- water budget
- water chemistry
- Water chemistry: base cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg)
- Water chemistry: Cl, NO3
- Water chemistry: Pb, Cd
- Water chemistry: SO42-, NO3-, Cl-
- Water: Chlorophyll a content
- water column
- water content
- water cycle
- water depth
- water_efficiency measures
- water filled pore space
- water framework directive
- water gauge measurement
- water input
- water interception
- water level
- water measure
- Water: O2-saturation
- water other state variable
- water output
- water parameter
- Water: pH
- water potential
- water quality
- water quality monitoring
- Water: Redox Potential
- Water Runoff
- watershed
- water storage
- water table
- water temperature
- water transmissivity
- water turbidity
- water turbidity
- Water: Turbidity
- water velocity
- water volume
- Wb
- weather
- weather generator
- weathering rate: base cations, heavy metals
- weather station
- Web Catalog Service (CSW)
- Web Coverage Service (WCS)
- Web Feature Service (WFS)
- Web Map Service (WMS)
- weed
- weed control
- weeding
- week
- wet deposition
- wet deposition: open polyethylene collectors
- wetland
- wetlands
- wheat
- wildfire
- wildlife conservation
- wildlife management
- wind direction
- wind direction (mean and gust)
- wind dispersal
- wind measure
- wind pollination
- wind speed
- wind speed (mean and gust)
- winter
- W/m2
- W/m²K
- W/(m2·sr)
- W/(m·K)
- wood
- woody debris
- woody plants
- world climate research programme
- world health organisation
- world meteorological organization
- world wide fund for nature
- WRB 2006 Soil type
- W/sr
- XML database
- year in rotation
- year in the rotation or year since start of treatment application
- yield
- yr
- zero-tension lysimeter
- zero tillage
- zinc
- zoobenthos (lakes)
- zooplancton
- zooplankton
- µA
- µg
- µg/cm³
- µg/kg
- µg/l
- µg/m²
- µg/m³
- µg/mm³
- µm
- µmol
- µV
- concept for internal organization
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}